
ニャントロ大魔神 @garagononn

Jack Lew's world view cnb.cx/1ixM1Zw 増税による悪影響を麻生より懸念するルー財務長官。なんで日本の財務大臣は、あそこまで無能なのか・・・。

2014-09-27 17:00:35
ニャントロ大魔神 @garagononn

Lew urges Japan to ready for possible lull after tax hike via @globalpost globalpost.com/dispatch/news/… ルーさんって増税直後に景気落ち込みを懸念。何も対応できてないのでG20で失望w

2014-09-27 16:40:17
ニャントロ大魔神 @garagononn

Japan should seek a balance between getting your fiscal house in order and keeping your short-term economic position where it needs to be

2014-09-27 17:15:48
ニャントロ大魔神 @garagononn

The value-added tax is something that obviously has the potential to slow the economy

2014-09-27 17:18:56
ニャントロ大魔神 @garagononn

the United States has encouraged Japan to look at offsetting policies to make sure the tax measure will not hamper progress

2014-09-27 17:19:37
ニャントロ大魔神 @garagononn

by Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's government to get the country out of chronic deflation and prop up the economy.

2014-09-27 17:20:03
ニャントロ大魔神 @garagononn

They need to stay vigilant in that and respond if they see signs of it," Lew said, referring to an economic slowdown

2014-09-27 17:20:46
ニャントロ大魔神 @garagononn


2014-09-27 17:27:22
ニャントロ大魔神 @garagononn


2014-09-27 17:42:25
ニャントロ大魔神 @garagononn

Treasury's Lew on Japan's Policy Reforms: youtu.be/V2vn6_TSHyA @YouTubeさんから 去年のルーさんのアベノミクス評。

2014-09-27 15:33:26