豆さん(@Kogetamame)によるMortis Ghost氏の質疑応答集OFF関連ピックアップ

 海外のフリーゲーム「OFF」の製作者であるMortis Ghost氏がdA(deviantART)でやってらしたQ&Aから、豆さん(@Kogetamame)がOFFに絡むあたりの話をピックアップしてくださいました。  このまとめは豆さんに許可を頂いてその時の呟きを集めたものです。  関連する呟きも拾いたかったのですが、私情でリアルタイムにいられなかったので豆さんの呟きのみです。 続きを読む
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焦げてる @Kogetamame

エルセンの性別:The Elsen are males.

2014-10-29 01:26:31


焦げてる @Kogetamame

「ヒキガエルの王様」とザッカリーについて:And about the Toad King story, it's only talking about a masked man. You can link him with Zacharie if you want.

2014-10-29 01:28:05


焦げてる @Kogetamame

バッターさんって人間なの?:Heeer ... He looks human. But I don't think he is.

2014-10-29 01:29:44


焦げてる @Kogetamame

イーノックとシュガーについて:For me there's no familial link between Enoch and Sugar. But I'm not the only one holder of the truth.

2014-10-29 01:30:49


焦げてる @Kogetamame

If you think she's her daughter, it can be true. Sugar is hidden in the game, cause she's hidden in the world of Off.

2014-10-29 01:31:34


焦げてる @Kogetamame

昔のヴァレリー:Valerie was a normal cat, nice and cute, quite lonesome. His brother has always been more sociable.

2014-10-29 01:32:15


焦げてる @Kogetamame

Mortisさんってベルギー人の方?:Yes everybody seems to believe I'm french, but indeed I'm belgian.

2014-10-29 01:33:09


焦げてる @Kogetamame

聖書とOFF:The names of the characters come from the bible cause I like how they sound, but it's absolutely not something important in the game.

2014-10-29 01:33:41


焦げてる @Kogetamame

"邪悪"なバッターについて:There is no "impure" batter. There is only one batter, the only things wich changes is the vision the player have of him.

2014-10-29 01:38:59


焦げてる @Kogetamame

Sometimes someones you likes looks sudently very different.

2014-10-29 01:39:32


焦げてる @Kogetamame

アドオンに性別とか人間性があったらどんなかんじになるの:This is a very strange question. Add-on don't have personnality, so heeer ... I really don't know.

2014-10-29 01:40:12


焦げてる @Kogetamame

クイーンの名前:Yes Vader means Father, and Eloha is a word for God in Hebrew. But she's just "the Queen", this name is the one she took by herself.

2014-10-29 01:40:40


焦げてる @Kogetamame

デーダンさんって鼻あんの?どっかに隠れて見えないだけ?:I don't think he have a noose. Maybe little nostrils

2014-10-29 01:41:34
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