
私がフォローしてるイングランドの人のtweetやRTしていたtweetが面白かったので……と思ってタグで検索してみたら、膨大になってしまいました。 英国では、BBCとサンデー・タイムズが最近、FIFAの腐敗を暴く内容の報道を行なっており、それが原因で落選したのではないかとの声がたくさんあります。そして「てめーらのせいでワールドカップが」などと、感情でBBCやSTを激しく非難するという動きも(嘆かわしい)。『ロシアにサッカーなんて存在しないだろ』的な視野の狭さ・心の狭さも見られます。悲しいことです。 しかし、「もし本当に報道が原因でWCが取れなかったのなら、名誉なことだ」といった声もあります。あと、時間の経過で一通り文句を言い終わったあとは、ちょっとずつおもしろくなっていくあたりも見所(?)です。 続きを読む
James Higgs @higgis

With their proven reputation for corruption, Russia have the kind of World Cup bid that FIFA delegates can really get behind.

2010-12-02 17:27:12
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

http://bit.ly/gIs2iN ワールドカップ開催地決定ライヴ・ブログ中のガーディアンにタレコミ。今日、スイスで「このすばらしいスポーツの祭典をぜひわが国で」とアピールしたキャメロン首相は01年、新人議員時代に「私はサッカーはよく知りませんが」的発言。上流階級!

2010-12-02 22:08:38
BBC News (UK) @BBCNews

World Cup 2018 & 2022 host city decisions slightly delayed - special programme live now on BBC News Channel and online http://bbc.in/fDvSFa

2010-12-02 23:51:49
OptaJean @OptaJean

6 - the number of FIFA World Cups won by the host country: Argentina, England, France, Germany, Italy and Uruguay. Homeys.

2010-12-02 23:52:09
OptaJean @OptaJean

6 - le nombre de Coupe du Monde de la FIFA gagnées par le pays hôte: Allemagne, Argentine, Angleterre, France, Italie et Uruguay. Domicile.

2010-12-02 23:54:15
Ben Mabley(ベン・メイブリー) @BenMabley

Nearly time for the World Cup host announcements. I've had a bit to drink, so I'll likely either be verbose or simply get fed up of tweeting

2010-12-02 23:59:51
Ben Mabley(ベン・メイブリー) @BenMabley

Personal opinions - for footballing reasons, it has to be England and Australia. I wouldn't be overly upset with Russia and Qatar, though.

2010-12-03 00:00:48
Subscribe to GrantWahl.com @GrantWahl

Qatari delegation members getting handshakes & some hugs from FIFA voters. Hmmmmm....

2010-12-03 00:02:01
Ben Mabley(ベン・メイブリー) @BenMabley

Japan, South Korea, and USA have all hosted the World Cup far too recently to be doing it again. I don't care that they'd all be excellent.

2010-12-03 00:02:08
Ben Mabley(ベン・メイブリー) @BenMabley

日本サッカーの成長は心から祈ってるけど、今夜の2022年W杯開催地発表は絶対、また日本に決まったらおかしい。20年に2回なんて早過ぎる。韓国も米国も早過ぎる。  http://mabley.footballjapan.jp/2010/09/post-05d1.html

2010-12-03 00:07:26
Ben Mabley(ベン・メイブリー) @BenMabley

In the TV studio in Japan we have Hiroaki Morishima, whom I had the utter pleasure of chatting with last week.

2010-12-03 00:11:52
Paul Waugh @paulwaugh

SkyNews sports guy pointing out that Russia made good pitch to take WCup to new frontiers and Eastern Europe. Says FIFA liked it

2010-12-03 00:11:52
Mark Steel @mrmarksteel

Prince William said "I've always loved football." FIFA should say "Alright then, name 4 England goalkeepers and you can have the World Cup"

2010-12-03 00:11:52
Janice Turner @VictoriaPeckham

The BBC guy in Moscow could be Putin's double!

2010-12-03 00:12:10
Ben Mabley(ベン・メイブリー) @BenMabley

We also have the journalist Takeo Goto, with whom I recently exchanged nods. But nothing more, sadly.

2010-12-03 00:14:02
Channel 4 News @Channel4News

A last-minute winner? As FIFA delays announcing who'll host the 2018 World Cup, @alextomo gives his final thoughts. http://bit.ly/f3MkaF

2010-12-03 00:15:59
Janice Turner @VictoriaPeckham

BBC now reporting rumours on Twitter that Becks is glum. *media eats itself*

2010-12-03 00:17:12
Owen Gibson @owen_g

Rumour is that England went out in the first round - sources on bid team.

2010-12-03 00:19:23
Ben Mabley(ベン・メイブリー) @BenMabley

So, everything's being delayed, and there are rumours of additional rounds of voting. Terrific. Do the votes get cast in brown envelopes?

2010-12-03 00:20:08
Matt Dickinson @DickinsonTimes

England2018 said to be out, poss even first round

2010-12-03 00:20:37
Janice Turner @VictoriaPeckham

Now BBC goes live to... MILTON KEYNS. Oh get on with it!

2010-12-03 00:20:53
Ben Mabley(ベン・メイブリー) @BenMabley

Interesting rumours now that England have fallen at the very first hurdle. Would be very English to blow it spectacularly, as for 2006...

2010-12-03 00:22:39
Janice Turner @VictoriaPeckham

Prince William is glum. Russians not so glum.

2010-12-03 00:24:13
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