The Country Living's Tweets

アメリカのインテリア、ガーデニングなどが中心のライフスタイルマガジンCountry Livingのつぶやき
Country Living @CountryLiving

RT @fiery_jennyrose @CountryLiving I am thankful for the unknown, for possibilities and my willingness to be a part of it all.

2009-11-14 07:00:35
Country Living @CountryLiving

Today we're #thankful for big Sunday suppers with the extended family. Tell us what you're #thankful for!

2009-11-16 09:34:24
Country Living @CountryLiving

RT: @djeneen Just received copies of @CountryLiving mag in the mail. I'm on page 61!! Gave my @Etsy url though. Need a shop critique asap

2009-11-16 09:35:29
Country Living @CountryLiving

Thanks! Purple is so festive! RT @primnpurdy @CountryLiving Love the purple used in this photo....beautiful

2009-11-16 09:37:24
Country Living @CountryLiving

RT @_chrissyb_ I'm #thankful for a warm house and my garden that feeds my family & friends.

2009-11-16 09:36:09