
英国の新聞ガーディアンのComment is Free(外部からの寄稿と読者のコメントで成り立つフォーラムのようなコーナー)担当、ジェシカ・リードさんが、1月12日、「どなたか、英語のできる日本の書き手で、女性学方面の人を知りませんか」という内容のツイート。 http://twitter.com/commentisfree/status/25138015609294848 ガーディアンでは11日付で、在東京のジャスティン・マカリー記者による、選択的夫婦別姓を求めての訴訟(下記)に関する記事が出ています。 http://www.guardian.co.uk/world/2011/jan/11/japan-marital-surname-law-challenge 続きを読む
justin mccurry @justinmccurry

By me, in the Guardian: Japanese marital surname law faces legal challenge http://t.co/dWbiSdz via @guardian

2011-01-12 09:21:26
💫T.Katsumi📢 #FreePalestine 🇵🇸 @tkatsumi06j

日本の夫婦別姓について英紙が。@nofrills: RT @justinmccurry: By me, in the @Guardian: Japanese marital surname law faces legal challenge http://t.co/dWbiSd

2011-01-12 09:30:06
Guardian Opinion @guardianopinion

It's a long shot, but do I have any followers who could recommend an english-sepaker Japanese writer well versed in feminism/women's issues?

2011-01-12 19:32:24
Amy @Ameliaaargh

@commentisfree I have just the thing! Oh wait... No it's a German homo-erotic novel written by an African hermaphrodite. At a full moon.

2011-01-12 19:35:17

@commentisfree contact SOAS (school of oriental and african studies).

2011-01-12 19:36:49
Muhammad Darwish @muhammadakd

@commentisfree try @semisara she's a journalist in London now. But was previously based in Japan

2011-01-12 19:39:05
Omar Mohammed @shurufu

@commentisfree I know of a japanese speaker, welsh writer well versed in feminism

2011-01-12 19:40:41
Pollee Tickle ن @polleetickle

@commentisfree well, check out @missnagasakiricepaper - she is a bra-burning rhapsody in a sequined pink corset. #cheekyriposte @fabinetpm

2011-01-12 19:41:46
thejamesweston @thejamesweston

@commentisfree Other way round but an English writer who speaks Japanese (I think) & lives there is David Peace. Strong women in his books.

2011-01-12 19:41:58
thejamesweston @thejamesweston

@commentisfree If he can't, surely he knows someone who can...

2011-01-12 19:43:00
Andrea McKenna @ajmckenna

@mqtodd - anyone who could recommend an eng-japnese speaker/ Japanese writer well versed in feminism/women's issues? RT from @commentisfree

2011-01-12 19:43:21
Kathy Buckworth @KathyBuckworth

@yukarip ? "@commentisfree any followers who could recommend an english-sepaker Japanese writer well versed in feminism/women's issues?"

2011-01-12 19:45:14
Amy @Ameliaaargh

@commentisfree hehe, sorry. Good luck with your search. May I ask what its for?

2011-01-12 19:45:39
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

フェミ方面探し物ガーディアンから RT @commentisfree: ..any followers ... recommend an english-sepaker Japanese writer well versed in feminism/women's issues?

2011-01-12 19:47:46
Amy @Ameliaaargh

@commentisfree sounds interesting. I'll look forward to it. Well if you need any help on an African/German homo-erotic novel-Drop me a line.

2011-01-12 19:50:40
石井真弓 Mayumi Ishii @ishimayu

RT @nofrills: RT @commentisfree: ..any followers ... recommend an english-sepaker Japanese writer well versed in feminism/women's issues?

2011-01-12 19:52:20
💧 Michael Q Todd Threads @michaelqtodd @michaelqtodd

@ajmckenna @commentisfree Will try to think of someone but not sure that feminism has reached Japan yet. Contact @megoyanagi first

2011-01-12 19:55:33
コードネームはファルコン @Falcon_U

A long shot? QT @commentisfree It's a long shot,but do I have any…could recommend an englsh-speaker Japanese writer versed in…women's issues

2011-01-12 19:59:06
Leigh Caldwell @leighblue

@commentisfree also a long shot, but Dr Madoka Kumashiro is a psychologist researching the theory of relationships http://bit.ly/g0hclB

2011-01-12 20:23:01
Leigh Caldwell @leighblue

@commentisfree do you want someone to write a piece in English? Not sure if she's fluent. Anyway have a look and see what you think

2011-01-12 20:24:07
Adam Brooks @adamnonfiction

@commentisfree possibly my friend Heather? Not a published writer but studying at masters level. https://sites.google.com/site/casteelh/

2011-01-12 20:27:38
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

先ほどRTしたガーディアン @commentisfree の探し物の件、お題は日本における「夫婦別姓」をめぐる法的環境。先日同紙東京特派員のジャスティン・マカリー記者が http://bit.ly/gtAGC5 という記事を書いて、その件でさらに書くための下調べのようです。

2011-01-12 20:29:03