2011年1月14日、チュニジア #Tunisia #sidibouzid #jasminrevolt #OpTunisia

fadoua @fadouagh

RT @when_we_cry 【読売新聞】デモ隊と警察衝突、市民14人死亡…チュニジア http://www.yomiuri.co.jp/world/news/20110110-OYT1T00464.htm #sidibouzid

2011-01-10 20:55:57
fadoua @fadouagh

チュニジア国歌 (excerpt):"When the people wants to live, destiny must surely respond. Darkness will disappear, chains will certainly break!"

2011-01-10 22:59:42
fadoua @fadouagh

そうでした。ハビーブ・ブルギーバ大統領時代でした、1984のémeutes du painと言います。@lethal_notion @kazouille 80年代にもすごい暴動があって、それも流血沙汰で鎮圧されたのだったと記憶しています(違ってたらどなたか訂正願います)。

2011-01-10 23:38:10
fadoua @fadouagh

チュニスで16時(日本で24時) 大統領のスピーチの予定です。これは暴動が初めてから(12月17日から) 二番目スピーチです!

2011-01-10 23:45:32
fadoua @fadouagh

@lethal_notion チュニジア。週末の暴動で少なくとも35人の死者。“@lemondefr: Tunisie : au moins 35 morts après les violences du week-end (FIDH)” #sidibouzid #tunisia

2011-01-11 19:11:15
fadoua @fadouagh

Dailymotion - Students riot in Tunisia over jobs - a ニュース&政治 video http://t.co/vRsmTDS via #sidibouzid

2011-01-11 20:08:01
fadoua @fadouagh

me too... RT @404samiTunis can't focus on anything right now... waiting...hoping for the best..!!!

2011-01-12 13:48:06
fadoua @fadouagh

チュニジアの現在の状態について、ツイッターでいろいろなうわざが広がっています。。。クーデターは本当じゃないです! #sidibouzid

2011-01-12 15:59:01
fadoua @fadouagh

RT @BreakingNews Tunisian president replaces interior minister, orders release of all detained in wave of violent clashes #sidibouzid

2011-01-12 20:04:32
fadoua @fadouagh

according to NHK,160Japanese in Tunisia all evacuated to the capital.I pray for the safety of Tunisians & all foreigners in Tunisia

2011-01-13 07:59:07
fadoua @fadouagh

Reading:NHKニュース チュニジア 暴動が首都に拡大 http://nhk.jp/N3tj5bgl #sidibouzid (via @when_we_cry)

2011-01-13 08:00:38
fadoua @fadouagh

I received email from foreign student center at my university asking after my current residence & safety. So thoughtful of them #sidibouzid

2011-01-13 12:07:24
fadoua @fadouagh

この情報は日本の外務省からですか? チュニジア:市民デモ騒擾事件の発生に伴う注意喚起 http://www.anzen.mofa.go.jp/info/info.asp?num=2011C012

2011-01-13 18:07:22
sami ben gharbia @ifikra

رسالة وزير الخارجية كمال مرجان الي الشعب التونسي http://is.gd/TlBaRJ Tunisia' Foreign Minister resigns. Open letter to Tunisian #sidibouzid

2011-01-14 01:25:18
sami ben gharbia @ifikra

RT @Houeida: if Kamel Morjane resignation is a hoax, then both his blog and twitter account have been hacked! #sidibouzid

2011-01-14 01:26:28
Marc Lynch @abuaardvark

RT @Brian_Whit: I'm suspicious about this resignation letter. Better wait for confirmation from Morjane in person. #sidibouzid

2011-01-14 01:34:28
sami ben gharbia @ifikra

logically, Kamel Morjane should resign if he wants to save his face. Ben ALi will go anyway, it's a matter of days #sidibouzid (my 2 cents)

2011-01-14 01:46:26
Marc Lynch @abuaardvark

Tunisian FM Morjane resignation letters totally different in Arabic + English; waiting for someone to contact him http://bit.ly/aqFoGu

2011-01-14 01:50:33
Marc Lynch @abuaardvark

RT @arabist: via @tunivisions, Tunisia's foreign ministry denies Kamel Morjane's resignation. To be continued...

2011-01-14 01:54:20
Marc Lynch @abuaardvark

Realistically, a soft coup followed rapidly by elections the best hope for avoiding significantly more bloodshed in Tunisia

2011-01-14 01:58:31
Marc Lynch @abuaardvark

RT @shadihamid: I've written a new piece on the #Tunisia uprising & what the US should do about it http://bit.ly/euOu64 #sidibouzid

2011-01-14 03:22:02
sami ben gharbia @ifikra

@acarvin tell evryone u know from Gafsa that snipers are hiding in minaret mosque (sidi Jakob), on National guard and Karoui buildings roof

2011-01-14 03:59:22
sami ben gharbia @ifikra

RT @AnonymousIRC: Ben Ali announces freedom and democracy while his police is continuing to shoot the citizens. Well played, Sir #SidiBouzid

2011-01-14 04:19:28
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