2011年1月17日: チュニジア(11) #Tunisia #sidibouzid #OpTunisia

現地時間17日から18日の分、編集中。 組閣発表などがありました。ブロガーのSlimさんが入閣というサプライズあり、でも結局ベンアリ政権の閣僚がけっこう残ったり…6ヵ月後には選挙ということですが、どうなることやら、という感じ。 一方でその「新しい内閣」に対する抗議行動も早速始まったようで…。
Voice of Tunisia @Voiceoftunisia

Tunisians be ready to React/Act following the announcement of new government. NO old faces!! # sidibouzid #tunisia #revolution

2011-01-18 00:02:50
Kazuya ONAKA / 大中 一彌 @kazouille

チュニジア:兵士と女性 http://bit.ly/i4aQMp 軍隊への称賛、旧政権側民兵への批判続く一方、恣意的な逮捕を恐れる声も。国営TVは人心鎮めるべく死者数報道やめる。事故避けるため組閣発表は夜間外出禁止令有効になる18時以降と。http://bit.ly/ej6slS

2011-01-18 00:05:19
Marc Lynch @abuaardvark

Please tell me somebody's writing a piece about MLK Jr's relevance to today's Arab protestors.

2011-01-18 00:06:17
Al Arabiya English @AlArabiya_Eng

BREAKING: UN prosecutor submits indictment in Hariri murder case: http://tinyurl.com/64atmur #STL #Lebanon

2011-01-18 00:07:50
سلطان سعود القاسمي @SultanAlQassemi

Dubai declares Valentine's Day a "dry night" for religious reasons. http://bit.ly/i5Tkyb Lovers can still get drunk on love.

2011-01-18 00:10:27
Mona Eltahawy @monaeltahawy

I am happy to be corrected. I'll double check and if I'm wrong, I'll correct. But we don't get off to a good start if you just insult me.

2011-01-18 00:14:05
Nawaat @nawaat

RT @Khaffousa: "ZABA a créé la caisse de solidarité Nationale.. Il a pris la caisse et nous a laissé la SOLIDARITE !!!!" :) #SidiBouzid

2011-01-18 00:14:51
EAWorldView @EANewsFeed

#Tunisia: Union leader "Gotten rid of the dictator but haven't gotten rid of the dictatorship yet" http://tinyurl.com/6xlbshd #sidibouzid

2011-01-18 00:15:11
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

Let's put it in these simple words: I am unhappy about everything that led to dividing Sudan, and unhappy about any Arab division. #sudan

2011-01-18 00:21:26

According to sources, a group of businessmen who took advantage of link ratios with Ben Ali used their influence to vandalise via @SBZ_news

2011-01-18 00:21:53
Kazuya ONAKA / 大中 一彌 @kazouille


2011-01-18 00:23:21
Jonathan Rugman @jrug

Get today's Tunis demo in context: a few weeks ago it would have been unthinkable. Now Tunisians are free to speak!

2011-01-18 00:24:57
Habiba Hamid @habibahamid

Salafis fight back against extremism. It's not an outlandish idea, Al Muhajiroun repulse most http://gu.com/p/2mdhp/tw

2011-01-18 00:25:06
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

So who is happy here to see #Sudan cut into two, upper part turning Islamist, lower part becoming Israel's buddy?

2011-01-18 00:25:15
Mona Eltahawy @monaeltahawy

I'll be on BBC TV today at 2 pm (EST) and then BBC Radio 4 at 5 pm (EST). Looking forward to talking more about #Tunisia #Sidibouzid

2011-01-18 00:25:39

@Dima_Khatib In deed, breaking of a country can only profit 'outside' forces. #Sudan

2011-01-18 00:26:35
Habiba Hamid @habibahamid

UN chief calls for 'prompt restoration' of rule of law in Tunisia - AFP

2011-01-18 00:31:25
Mona Eltahawy @monaeltahawy

In my enthusiasm for the #Tunisian revolution, I overlooked #Sudan's 1964 October Revolution which toppled military regime 1/2

2011-01-18 00:32:03
Mona Eltahawy @monaeltahawy

Following #Sudan's 1964 revolution, civilian rulers remained in power till 1969 coup overthrew them. #Tunisia 2/2

2011-01-18 00:33:37
Habiba Hamid @habibahamid

Hariri tribunal indictments are in. Results out tomorrow

2011-01-18 00:32:30
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