1001spikes プレイ感想等

1001 Spikes(サウザンドワン・スパイクス) 面クリア型2Dアクションゲーム Steam/PS4/PS Vita/Wii U/3DS DL配信のみ 価格1000円 XBOXLIVEインディーズゲームで発売されたタイトル「Aban Hawkins & the 1000 SPIKES」のバージョンアップ版 プレイ中詰まったり、クリア後に楽しみたいツイート集

オリジナル版「Aban Hawkins & the 1000 SPIKES」は日本のインディーデベロッパー、8bits fanaticsによって開発され、2011年1月、Xbox LIVEインディーズゲームで発売された。好評を博したそれを北米のマネージメント会社Nicalisと共同でブラッシュアップ、リメイクしたものが「1001spikes」。


Fragger @ ded @Axnollouse

Oh god, 1001 Spikes hits today. I really liked it quite a bit on XBLIG but god damn was that hard as fuck

2014-06-04 00:38:49
John Matthew @GreenZombie04

The guys who made #1001spikes don't have a soul. Love the difficulty! 3-1 is crazy

2014-06-04 06:57:40
Jonathan Higgins @radicaldefect

I died 63 times in World 2-5 alone. I so love that this game keeps track of exactly how many times I've died in each level. #1001Spikes

2014-06-04 07:21:47
Greg *Holiday Bay* Wiggleton @GregWiggleton

Not only is 1001 Spikes awesome, the music is fantastic! #WiiU

2014-06-04 12:20:08
smurfette mcgee @smurfee_mcgee

The new music in 1001 Spikes is damn good.

2014-06-05 04:37:10
Kyle Ren, RN @getatmeperry

@ACMacKenZ reminded me that #1001Spikes came out yesterday on 3DS. 75 deaths in, I've now taken to laughing at every cruel trap the game has

2014-06-05 06:34:39
Zebra @XeroZebra

Died 100 times on stage 3-2, but I finally beat it. #1001Spikes

2014-06-05 07:40:43
Manliness @KoumaDunk

This would be funny if it wasn't so damn annoying. #1001Spikes #WiiU pic.twitter.com/DMwnikXeQO

2014-06-06 07:22:56
Landon Peterson @lpeter31

2-5 was a beast. I don't know if I've got what it takes to finish #1001spikes #PS4share pic.twitter.com/cTb20sqzOA

2014-06-06 09:57:45
James @Mmm_Doggy

Fuck you 2-5 in 1001 spikes. That is all.

2014-06-06 11:13:19
Renaud Bédard @renaudbedard

The music in 1001 Spikes is soooo goooood

2014-06-06 11:31:48
Johns @Johns____

Aban Hawkins and the 1001 Spikes is hard as fuck, but very fun. Music is also good.

2014-06-06 14:24:27
たてあなR @soranotateana

1000機使い果たすかもしれない勢いで減って行って笑う #1001Spikes

2014-06-06 23:02:50
みちなが🦓 @fuji_michinaga

#1001spikes アクションの腕と関係ないとこで詰んでしまってる。かしこさがたりない。

2014-06-07 09:23:36
OD @Origamidude

1001 Spikes is pretty rad, it's certainly tickling my nostalgia, and man is the music grand

2014-06-07 10:52:24
Granilithe @granilithe

FUCK THIS FUCKING FUCK OF A FUCKING GAME! (p.s. game so good) #1001Spikes @nicalis @tyronerodriguez

2014-06-07 11:29:33
Chris Fox @cjopant

I picked up Tomodachi Life and Mario Kart 8 yesterday, but I can’t stop playing 1001 Spikes. That’s damn near a perfect game right there.

2014-06-08 05:43:55
Soma @Soma_XIV

I love that 1001 spikes costs 10.01 pic.twitter.com/KA82qell7y

2014-06-08 08:40:00
Deeanna (Grace) @pirannaplant

"Shit! fuck! dammit! shit! dammit! what the fuck I didn't know that was gonna happen!! FUUUUUCK!!!!" - Me playing 1001 Spikes

2014-06-08 09:34:40
たてあなR @soranotateana

やめられないとまらない。しかし精神力持たず一日に進める分は限られる。#1001Spikes #北米eShop pic.twitter.com/LVCTQVtsnW

2014-06-08 12:30:54
The J Dude @UltraJDude

I so did not know 1001 Spikes was out! Loving the new music, had no idea Rushjet was working on some of it, how awesome!

2014-06-08 15:57:04
Psychedelic Eyeball @PsychEyeball

Damn you Key of Serpentis, you're my only obstacle in finally finishing 1001 Spikes and I have absolutely no idea where you are!

2014-06-09 03:08:37
1 ・・ 13 次へ