
友達のアメリカ人と、バクマンの話から「どうアメリカでは漫画家としてデビューするのか、日本との違いはどこか」みたいな事をユルく話してみました。興味深かったので個人用メモとしてトゥギャリ。 製作者の英語はけっこうメチャクチャです(´・ω・`;;) 下のコメント欄に簡単な日本語訳をつけてみました。
Red Mage Roxy @RedMageRoxy

"In order to make comics and be successful you need: 1.Talent 2.Perseverance and 3.Luck"

2011-02-03 16:36:42

@roxypolk BAKUMAN? <In order to make comics and be successful

2011-02-03 16:43:39
Red Mage Roxy @RedMageRoxy

@aska0419 YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! Bakuman is really good, it makes me think a lot about where I am as comic artist

2011-02-03 17:00:57
Red Mage Roxy @RedMageRoxy

@aska0419 I also feel that it's very true, so it hits home. ahahaha... I'm not a very lucky person so... yeah... gotta work on that!

2011-02-03 17:02:21
Red Mage Roxy @RedMageRoxy

@aska0419 "you make your own luck" as the saying goes... haha...

2011-02-03 17:05:51

@roxypolk YAP!!I really like this comic, too! It's released vol.11 in Japan last month. I agree with you, it make sense and sounds so true.

2011-02-03 17:07:34
Red Mage Roxy @RedMageRoxy

@aska0419 Vol 11!? Wow! I think American release is around vol 3... I really want to buy them but I have no money T^T are you collecting it?

2011-02-03 17:10:02

@roxypolk YEAH, I'm collecting it in Japanese! I also check anime, too. Anime is pretty good quality!! You should check both of them!!

2011-02-03 17:14:51

@roxypolk I believe we need some exquisite senses if we wanna get more luck, coz so many people miss their own good opportunities & lucks.

2011-02-03 17:14:00
Red Mage Roxy @RedMageRoxy

@aska0419 Yeah!like a 6th sense!Been watching the anime,that's how I know about it-but the comics would be best-it's ABOUT COMICS after all!

2011-02-03 17:19:32

@roxypolk It's about JUMP comics is more close I guess, but it's very true. I wonder they made Death Note before BAKUMAN, amazing!

2011-02-03 17:25:20
Red Mage Roxy @RedMageRoxy

@aska0419 You're right,it is mostly JUMP,I knew some stuff about the system but it's good to know more. I wish American market was so clear.

2011-02-03 17:30:25

英語にするとカッコイイBAKUMANの名言。 RT @roxypolk: "In order to make comics and be successful you need: 1.Talent 2.Perseverance and 3.Luck"

2011-02-03 17:29:05

@roxypolk I think this comic is very good because non-Japanese comic makers can understand Japanese comic (magazine) systems so easy!:D

2011-02-03 17:26:39
Red Mage Roxy @RedMageRoxy

@aska0419 I wish we had contests&open submissions more often,the way Japan does.American comic companies should look at Japan to learn*sigh*

2011-02-03 17:33:31
Red Mage Roxy @RedMageRoxy

@aska0419 so many politics and outdated systems in mainstream American comics. And few opportunities to prove yourself as a young artist

2011-02-03 17:31:21

@roxypolk I know it's not good... American market is so difficult to understand!! I'm so confused... How people become a pro-cartoonist?? :(

2011-02-03 17:33:33
Red Mage Roxy @RedMageRoxy

@aska0419 it's the most straightforward way for new artists anyway. But not the easiest...

2011-02-03 17:43:57
Red Mage Roxy @RedMageRoxy

@aska0419 zines/doujinshi at conventions is a good way to get noticed too but mostly for fanbase, not for publishers...

2011-02-03 17:44:39
Red Mage Roxy @RedMageRoxy

@aska0419 best way in my opinion is to do webcomics-get popular-attract a publisher(Or self publish-or FIND a publisher)-and go from there..

2011-02-03 17:42:41

@roxypolk From web comic is new way to be artists like Hetalia's author. My editor recruited me on web too. Dojinshi is more famous in JPN.

2011-02-03 17:48:38

@roxypolk oh... Japanese system is very simple, debut on some magazines and gets own editor like Hattori-san in BAKUMAN.

2011-02-03 17:44:44
Red Mage Roxy @RedMageRoxy

@aska0419 I wish American system was simple-it just MAKES SENSE. It's cool that you were recruited on the web like Hetalia,I didnt know that

2011-02-03 17:50:53

@roxypolk My result to be an artist here is... 1. Debut on magazine or receive a good prize 2. web comic 3. Dojinshi. So different in US!

2011-02-03 17:51:21
Red Mage Roxy @RedMageRoxy

@aska0419 in America: 1.A major label picks you up(Marvel/DC)for an issue after they approve of you(editors whim),2.Self-publish 3.webcomics

2011-02-03 17:54:44