
スパロボOGMD特典ピクチャードラマ「び~ちでゅえら~ず」に英字幕が付いてたので検証しました。英語圏の人向けにやったので英語です(Togetterに類似するサイトを知らないのでこちらを使わせてもらいます)。 結論からいうとゴミです。翻訳者は日本語能力が明らかに足りていない(エンドレスフロンティアは「未知なる開拓地」から「未知なる埋立地」になってる等)他、原作の知識が微塵もありません(不死桜が複数形になってたり、ネージュがエルフじゃなくてフェアリーになってたり、コードDTDを発動するのはアシェンじゃなくてハーケンだったり)。あとスタッフロールを見ると英語を担当したのはシンガポールの人らしいが、英語そのものも所々おかしいです(文法が変だったりします)。 続きを読む

Oh hey here's who to blame if the English version is shit pic.twitter.com/gQYVaOHng8

2016-07-03 12:53:38

I should check out the English translations on the Beach Dwellers stuff.

2016-07-05 23:33:01

THE Endless Frontier damn it. "Foreign" is a literal translation of 異邦 and would be better as "strange"

2016-07-05 23:35:54

"and even eras collide" doesn't seem to carry the nuance right either (I'd go with "and even time itself merges")

2016-07-05 23:37:12

I don't know why but seeing "OOKEE EBURIWAN ORE WA HAAKEN BUROUNINGU" subtitled feels hilarious to me

2016-07-05 23:37:57

種族 (race or species) is translated to "tribe". Jesus christ, what is this, 1992? (Working Designs pulled that bullshit a million times)

2016-07-05 23:39:25

"Kaitakuchi" is a word used to refer to the old west, the American FRONTIER. It's translated to "reclaimed land" what the fuck?

2016-07-05 23:41:18

Lost Herencia and Schlafen Celeste are spelled the same as the the English version of EF according to Google.

2016-07-05 23:42:40

Haken says the ship lies stuck in the ground, the subtitles say it "lay shattered" (nothing like that in Japanese)

2016-07-05 23:43:25

Likewise, when Haken says there's a warp device inside it, the subtitles say "among its ruins"

2016-07-05 23:44:32

Shinseireki (the OG calendar) is "New A.D." (literal translation), didn't Atlus change that in the English releases of OG1/2?

2016-07-05 23:45:07

For some reason the first mention of Sanger's name isn't subtitled at all (his name, only, is removed).

2016-07-05 23:46:00

"I'm getting sentimental at the though of having to say goodbye to someone I fought alongside" (referring to Sanger who's RIGHT THERE)

2016-07-05 23:47:07

This is a Japanese thing being mangled by Haken as usual (matsuri/festival > carnival) pic.twitter.com/FanG4qBWk6

2016-07-05 23:48:37

"Mister Samurai" is "translated" to "samurai-san" pic.twitter.com/NDxrAC8nCh

2016-07-05 23:51:40

You literally fucking hear Haken saying MISUTAA SAMURAI and it's subtitled as "samurai-san" Isn't Haken's entire thing using random ENGLISH

2016-07-05 23:52:17

Translator isn't familiar with EF I see. pic.twitter.com/hZ4O0kYgbw

2016-07-05 23:55:25

And his grammar is off too, Haken says Sanger was working at that country's giant cherry blossom. You know, THE giant cherry blossom.

2016-07-05 23:56:09

Yep translator isn't familiar with source material pic.twitter.com/CGbS8p4ACs

2016-07-05 23:57:50