【20110223-25】ハイチ 12【ネット選挙活動ができる国】

 http://togetter.com/li/103730 の続き。  今更なんですけどハイチって、候補者名をツイートしてもいいし、候補者や支援者が写真をバンバン更新してもいいし、候補者がFaceBookでライヴストリーミングやって有権者と会話してもいいし、候補者をネットでdisってもいい、ネット選挙活動が解禁された国なんですね。  ただ、国民のうちネット人口はどれほどなのか?逆にネットがない層も多いために街頭演説にあれだけの群衆が集まるのだろうか?
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Rebar @reba_jean

Electricity for the first time in almost 30 hours & the whole hood cheers! PaP #haiti

2011-02-25 09:04:55
Vote No Martelly @votenomartelly8

I do not know the dignity of their birth, but I do know Michel Martelly is not Jean Jacques Dessalines.

2011-02-25 10:01:33
Vote No Martelly @votenomartelly8

There is lack of color on Michel Martelly's campaign trail.

2011-02-25 10:02:09
Vote No Martelly @votenomartelly8

I dunno if this has anything to do with Michel Martelly's lack of understanding of the term 'Duty, Honor, Country'

2011-02-25 10:02:22
Mike Charles @Charlesmikey

Voice of voiceless can listen if you are ready to listen them in #Haiti on www.citizenhaiti.org

2011-02-25 10:02:45
Camagüey Today @walro072010

Nearly 240,000 Haitians will benefit from the Cuban #literacymethod "Yo, si puedo" (Yes I Can) #Haiti #Cuba http://t.co/P2430Oh

2011-02-25 10:03:35
Crawford Kilian @Crof

Ghana: Cholera cases spreading fast with 34 deaths http://bit.ly/fjDWCU

2011-02-25 10:37:58
Lion @lionelstpierre

Scientist warns about Monsanto's Roundup, may contribute to plant disease & health problems for farm animals. http://see.sc/2ugjvs #haiti

2011-02-25 11:13:45

i don't care how much #brazil donates to #Haiti. the only thing we need is for them give up their occupation of that country. #MINUSTAH

2011-02-25 11:37:52
WL @WesleyLaine

I'm leaning towards Martelly simply b/c I think #Haiti needs a more radical agent of change.

2011-02-25 11:39:41
[dɔminik] @_do_mi_ni_que

#Haiti: The connection between Michel "Sweet Micky" #Martelly and #Duvalier’s death squads http://bit.ly/dY8gGy

2011-02-25 11:51:29
切り取り線 @kiri_tori

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2011-02-25 12:00:00
StΞvΞ @stevem20

#Haiti banks must take greater risks to help reconstruction on large projects #realitycheck

2011-02-25 12:06:32
Mark Lancaster @machKC

The younger #Haiti Prez candidate was in SLduNord for a rally last night. Called "tet kale" = bald. http://yfrog.com/h6mxdraj

2011-02-25 12:14:41
Supreme Julien @sjSupreme

It's about time for #Haiti presidential candidate to talk abt oil aboundance and how they gonna find $$$ to real their promess.

2011-02-25 12:16:07

#Haiti is the new Africa, but who is our Bono?

2011-02-25 12:18:56
TripFoumi Enfo @TripFoumiEnfo

#haiti --> your #vote against Mickey will b a vote against immorality and incompetence... Vote #Manigat for real change YES SHE CAN

2011-02-25 14:25:11
TripFoumi Enfo @TripFoumiEnfo

Breaking news-----> Mickey wants to bring the Haitian army back!! #Haiti @JerenHaiti

2011-02-25 14:26:57
TripFoumi Enfo @TripFoumiEnfo

Breaking news-----> Mickey wants to bring the Haitian army back!! #Manigat di yon mo pou nou #Haiti

2011-02-25 14:28:22
切り取り線 @kiri_tori

✄------------ PM 6:00 ------------✄

2011-02-25 18:00:00
Oni Joseph Poetician @OniJoseph

Women & children suffer most from war and invasion. More world leaders should have a uterus. Duke it out amongst yourselves. #cdnpoli #Haiti

2011-02-25 21:00:48
mandalarian @_idkjs

In the streets, the campaign 4 Pres. of #Haiti looks like a 1 "man" race. New posters, new billboards, robocalls promising job creation.

2011-02-25 21:50:59
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