
Uh oh, now I'm the guy who liveblogged the Osama raid without knowing it.

「おー、知らない内に、オサマ強襲をtsudaったヒトになってしまった」 アボタバード在住のITコンサルタントSohaib Athar氏のつぶやきまとめ。 事件と無関係のツイートが混じってるかもしれませんが、とりあえず。
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

At least the power is back... two shots of robusta is what I need now

2011-05-02 14:02:22
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

@bunduboots A *tiny* coffee shop , that I set up because I couldn't find any real coffee here, but you're welcome to visit #Abbotabad #win

2011-05-02 14:13:12
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

Ok, I give up. I can't read all the @ mentions so I'll stop trying.

2011-05-02 14:34:01
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

@cszrom The area is offlimits to everyone - and I have other commitments... #binladen

2011-05-02 14:37:09
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

For the curious, here is life in abbottabad two minutes ago http://twitpic.com/4s8nfq

2011-05-02 14:40:16
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

Uh oh, time to log out of Skype, this is insane

2011-05-02 14:46:29
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

The shopping plaza I'm in is almost entirely closed, probably mainly because the traffic is blocked in a few places

2011-05-02 14:47:58
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

And the big question is - now that OBL does not live in Abbottabad, is it open to terrorist attacks too?

2011-05-02 14:49:52
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

@saidation People who dream about twitter follower counts need a shrink, seriously

2011-05-02 14:50:54
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

@bweixlmann Thanks for the concern, I'm alive so far :-)

2011-05-02 14:52:46
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

I am JUST a tweeter, awake at the time of the crash. Not many twitter users in Abbottabad, these guys are more into facebook. That's all.

2011-05-02 14:57:46
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

@ExecSkelton I was at least 2-3 km away from that area. Planning to stay alive, if they let me live, lol.

2011-05-02 14:59:01
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

@ahmedbilal nah, can't handle the rush at the moment ;-)

2011-05-02 15:00:18
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

It is a good thing my blog server is infected with malware today, I guess :-/

2011-05-02 15:01:12
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

@ahmedbilal I am working. On the PC. The coffeeshop staff can't reach here due to traffic blocks, so tell me how I can manage that? lol

2011-05-02 15:02:29
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

@ahmedbilal Yea now I'm waiting for the bounty money ;-)

2011-05-02 15:03:06
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

@saidation D saidation People don't use twitter here, hence they don't realize the attention they're getting. Ignorance is bliss.

2011-05-02 15:08:31
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

Interesting, I didn't think my name would trend on twtter before releasing a couple of rock albums and a few award-winning software....

2011-05-02 15:25:34
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

For the people who are trying to email me to reach me, I simply can't filter out the notifications from the emails :-(

2011-05-02 15:33:15
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

I guess an 'is now following you' GMail filter is the next logical step

2011-05-02 15:47:15
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

Thank you Google, thousands of email reduced to a few dozen.

2011-05-02 15:50:46
Sohaib Athar @ReallyVirtual

@jovensclaudio The gunfight lasted perhaps 4-5 minutes, I heard. That was around 10 hours ago. There are no other gunfights that I know of.

2011-05-02 16:19:56