
Mathematica Tips

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Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Find the equatorial coordinates of a galaxy: GalaxyData["NGC4109", {"RightAscension", "Declination"}]

2014-08-13 23:59:02
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Use GeoZoomLevel to specify map resolution: GeoGraphics[Entity["City", {"NewYork", "NewYork", "UnitedStates"}], GeoZoomLevel -> 12]

2014-08-13 00:05:01
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Specify your own date format: DateObject[DateFormat -> {"Day", "/", "Month", "/", "Year"}]

2014-08-11 23:55:05
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Find paths of length at most 5 along seams of soccer ball: FindPath[PolyhedronData["SoccerBall","SkeletonGraph"],19,30,6, All][{Cone[]}]

2014-08-09 00:21:06
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Discretize 3D special regions including Cone: DiscretizeGraphics[Graphics3D[{Cone[]}]]

2014-08-07 23:55:43
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Random collection of simplices: Graphics[Table[{Hue[RandomReal[]], Simplex[RandomReal[1, {3, 2}]]}, {10}]]

2014-08-07 00:09:49
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Get five colors from a specific color scheme defined in ColorData: ColorData["CherryTones"] /@ RandomReal[1, 10]

2014-08-06 01:44:00
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Combine a pie chart with interactive sonification: PieChart[Table[ With[{j = i}, Button[1, EmitSound[Sound@SoundNote[j]]]], {i, 14}]]

2014-08-05 04:47:54
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Interpret a number in any standard explicit format: Interpreter["Number"]["4.5e7"]

2014-08-01 23:54:17
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Merge two associations, using Total to combine elements with the same key: Merge[{<|a -> 1, b -> 2|>, <|a -> 5, b -> 10|>}, Total]

2014-07-31 23:59:46
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Get information about the properties of an entity using EntityValue: EntityValue[Entity["MannedSpaceMission", "Apollo12"], "Crew"]

2014-07-31 00:09:27
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Encode string with percent encoding using specified encoding: URLEncode["Hello, World!"]

2014-07-30 00:12:42
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Test if a matrix is normal: NormalMatrixQ[{{1, 2, -1}, {-1, 1, 2}, {2, -1, 1}}]

2014-07-29 00:00:58
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Find the discoverable devices on your computer system: FindDevices[]

2014-07-25 23:59:18
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Plot discovery years for successive elements: ListLinePlot[Table[ElementData[z, "DiscoveryYear"] /. DateObject[{y_}] :> y, {z, 1, 108}]]

2014-07-25 00:00:14
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Style daylit earth in partially transparent yellow: GeoGraphics[{Yellow, DayHemisphere[]}, GeoBackground -> GeoStyling["ReliefMap"]]

2014-07-23 23:50:52
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Compute the 100-day moving median of financial time series: ListLinePlot[ MovingMedian[FinancialData["GE", "Jan. 1, 2000", "Value"], 100]]

2014-07-23 02:13:40
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Random collection of tetrahedra: Graphics3D[Table[{Hue[RandomReal[]], Tetrahedron[RandomReal[1, {4, 3}]]}, {10}]]

2014-07-22 00:32:13
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Encode a URL in a Code 39 barcode: BarcodeImage["WOLFRAM.COM", "Code39"]

2014-07-19 01:07:33
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Build a graph of a finite mapping: Graph3D[Table[i -> Mod[i^2, 74], {i, 100}]]

2014-07-17 23:52:24
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Random ball collections: Graphics3D[ Table[{Hue[RandomReal[]], Ball[RandomReal[1, {3}], RandomReal[0.1]]}, {200}]]

2014-07-16 23:25:38
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Display a street map centered on your current location: GeoGraphics[GeoMarker[], GeoRange -> Quantity[1, "Miles"]]

2014-07-16 00:08:34
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Calculate purchasing power of US dollars in 1900 adjusted to present day: InflationAdjust[Quantity[1, DatedUnit["USDollars", 1900]]]

2014-07-15 00:23:59
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Compute sunrise for specified latitude/longitude & date: Sunrise[GeoPosition[{50.3, -80.1}], DateObject[{2014, 10, 1, 0, 0}]]

2014-07-11 23:52:10
Mathematica Tips @MathematicaTip

Convert a list of rules to an association: Association[{a -> x, b -> y, c -> z}]

2014-07-11 00:00:48
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