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Paul Bennun @benoonbenoon

Laughing -- loud -- at anyone who even thinks "4th wall" is relevant to discussions about #suchtweet.

2010-04-18 18:58:01
Hannah Nicklin 🍞🌹 @hannahnicklin

@chris_1974 @charl_cooper @yoiichan It was a critique of misuse of form&poor characterisation, attempted w/out breaking4th wall #suchtweet

2010-04-18 18:55:41
Hannah Nicklin 🍞🌹 @hannahnicklin

@d_rogues I don't think the film/play critique analogue is right, because it is ongoing and interactive. #suchtweet

2010-04-18 18:47:07
Hannah Nicklin 🍞🌹 @hannahnicklin

@d_rogues It's an interesting point, but the whole point is ongoing interaction. These people are being reviewed as the go on #suchtweet

2010-04-18 18:45:30
Hannah Nicklin 🍞🌹 @hannahnicklin

@JabberwockJess #suchtweet I completely disagree, that's like saying you can't get across emotion in a haiku. You can hint w/out telling.

2010-04-18 18:44:58
Rebecca @rebeccasbrain

Hey @such_tweet a fantastic project, entertaining, gripping - best use of twitter for storytelling. (also love @jo_instepford) #suchtweet

2010-04-18 18:43:56
Hannah Nicklin 🍞🌹 @hannahnicklin

@d_rogues: just because you're using a diff form doesn't mean you can abandon all nuances and notions of characterisation #suchtweet

2010-04-18 18:37:40
Hannah Nicklin 🍞🌹 @hannahnicklin

@d_rogues my point is is that the way they tweet and what they tweet doesn't make sense, and isn't interesting. #suchtweet

2010-04-18 18:37:02
Hennis @HenNaTee

Aaargh, step away from the twitter, woman and get going... Too hooked on #suchtweet.

2010-04-18 18:35:32
Hannah Nicklin 🍞🌹 @hannahnicklin

@d_rogues that was my attempt to critique characters w/out breaking 4th wall. Did tweet others but @jess_nurse only1who replied #suchtweet

2010-04-18 18:35:23
Moya Sarner @MoyaSarner

RT @jasonhall: Great piece by A L Kennedy (@writerer) on #suchtweet and twitter and the arts in today's Observer http://bit.ly/cqxVBG

2010-04-18 18:34:47
Hannah Nicklin 🍞🌹 @hannahnicklin

@d_rogues if you follow my #suchtweet points yday they basically suggest that I'm find the gender characterisation offensive & heavy handed.

2010-04-18 18:33:23
Zach Wear-the-maskins @bigheadzach

#suchtweet, on repeat, tweeting on me/from every phone in the street/there's a constant repeat, on repeat/of your paranoid <3breaking tweets

2010-04-18 18:33:16
Observer New Review @ObsNewReview

RT @jasonhall: Great piece by A L Kennedy (@writerer) on #suchtweet and twitter and the arts in today's Observer http://bit.ly/cqxVBG

2010-04-18 18:28:13

Yay! @theRSC and #suchtweet get a mention in The Observer today - nice one! http://bit.ly/ca8R1k

2010-04-18 18:28:07
Such Tweet Sorrow @Such_Tweet

server gremlins trying to stop today's Story-So-Far going up - with you soon #suchtweet (Girls went shopping, boys got drunk, R punched T)

2010-04-18 18:19:06
Tim Wright @moongolfer

RT @jasonhall: Great piece by A L Kennedy (@writerer) on #suchtweet and twitter and the arts in today's Observer http://bit.ly/cqxVBG

2010-04-18 18:11:38
Paul Richardson @paulbrichardson

RT @jasonhall: Great piece by A L Kennedy (@writerer) on #suchtweet and twitter and the arts in today's Observer http://bit.ly/cqxVBG

2010-04-18 18:01:57
Holly @holly_daze_

RT @jasonhall: Great piece by A L Kennedy (@writerer) on #suchtweet and twitter and the arts in today's Observer http://bit.ly/cqxVBG

2010-04-18 17:58:05

RT @nantoyara: Facebook Fan Page for "Such Tweet Sorrow" up... http://bit.ly/a05sYO -Tell your FB friends to join! #suchtweet

2010-04-18 17:48:23
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