ICFP 2011

tweets including #icfp, from 18 Sep 2011 to 19 Sep 2011
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Takashi Miyamoto @tmiya_

私も。RT @chiguri ちょっと残念。Agdaの話が聞きたかったんだけどなあ・・・ #icfp

2011-09-19 21:41:24
Oleg Lobachev @theoal

RT @kazu_yamamoto: It will be raining tomorrow and HEAVY raining the day after tomorrow. Umbrella does not work. Stay in a building during typhoon. #icfp

2011-09-19 21:50:16
chris martens @chrisamaphone

RT @yoshi_hiro_masa: Do not define what types are. define how they are related. #icfp #icfp2011

2011-09-19 22:43:17
Daisuke NISHITANI @cho_tekitou

今日のタイムラインでHaskellとRが出てたけど何だったんだろう #icfp

2011-09-19 22:47:09
Antti Tarvainen @tarvaina

This is the week of conferences. @LeonidasOy representation in #tamperegoesagile, #frozenrails, #strangeloop, and #icfp. Anything else?

2011-09-19 23:15:37
Sam Rijs @periping

RT @lambda_calculus: "In practice, GUI programs are pretty disguisting... Everything bad about programming, all at once." -- Neelakantan R. Krishnaswami #ICFP

2011-09-19 23:39:55
Peter Boothe @pboothe

RT @eassumption: Am not at #icfp because I'm not at PSU anymore, because my department turns a blind eye to sexual harassment. http://t.co/SYaAbMXe

2011-09-19 23:40:40
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