5月31日、#Flotilla #Gaza がTwitterでどう報じられたか、ほんの少しだけ。

5月31日の #Flotilla #Gaza についてのTweetsを、アルジャジーラ英語版のジャーナリストとFree Gazaのものを中心にまとめました。 【このまとめの主なTwitterer】 @freegazaorg: 今回イスラエル軍に阻止され攻撃された支援計画の中の人たち。 続きを読む
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@Anatka live press conference on Chan2

2010-06-01 02:26:49

@Starseed52 The blockage on gaza is legal by international law more info on http://bit.ly/aXTKSX

2010-06-01 02:31:08

reports of a rocket landing in southern israeli city of ashkelon

2010-06-01 02:31:47

@GooseRockDesign may well be, and in that case, poor organization&discipline on part of #flotilla is regrettable. Still, IDF responsible imo

2010-06-01 02:37:42

Revealed: Yedioth Ahronoth knew, wouldn't publish vast IDF top brass opposition to raid on #flotilla. http://3.ly/3xs please RT

2010-06-01 02:47:14

2,000+ Israelis r now protesting against #flotilla raid opposite Defence Ministry in Tel Aviv. Please RT widely: Not all Israelis r insane

2010-06-01 02:49:18

wonder if our celebrated "Navy Seals"realize how lame they're being made to appear with reports of clash w broom sticks&knives as "horrific"

2010-06-01 02:57:17

EU High Representative Catherine Ashton says she 'deeply regrets' loss of life as a result of #Israeli #Gaza #Flotilla raid.

2010-06-01 03:06:47

Russia denounces #Israel's raid on #Gaza bound #flotilla as a gross breach of international law, demands end to blockade of Gaza.

2010-06-01 03:09:38

Protests have been staged in various cities in Pakistan, over Israel's #Gaza #Flottila raid

2010-06-01 03:13:17

Protestors and police clash near Israeli embassy in Paris as people demonstrate against #Israel #Gaza #Flotilla raid

2010-06-01 03:14:10

RT @AmoonaM @AlanFisher I was [at the #Paris protest]!!! Read my previous tweets ;)) pics & videos coming! #flotilla #Gaza

2010-06-01 05:02:02

China criticises #Israel #Gaza #Flotilla raid - urges Israel to implement UN Security Council resolutions & improve humanitarianism in Gaza

2010-06-01 03:15:58

Apparently, Israel is the Owner of international waters, and anyone who doesn't submit to its orders can be shot and deserves what they get

2010-06-01 03:21:16

At the UN, Britain has just said that the only response to the attack is to end the blockade of Gaza.#gaza #flotilla #fb

2010-06-01 03:21:37

Al jaz arabic corresp walid el omary attacked by pro shalit protestors at ashdod port.

2010-06-01 03:44:53

Army say one iranian national amongst injured

2010-06-01 03:49:02

10,000 march in Turkey to protest Israel's attack: http://is.gd/cxdhM

2010-06-01 03:48:57

@notlarrysabato Israel has no right to seize ships in international waters - and no right to slaughter civilians because they don't submit.

2010-06-01 03:59:25

Israel: Trying to deliver humanitarian aid to Gaza is an "attack on Israel's sovereignty" - http://is.gd/cxej9 - is that a joke?

2010-06-01 04:06:36

@notlarrysabato It depends - they claim they did that after Israelis fired on them - either way, there's no right to seize the ship.

2010-06-01 04:08:29

@notlarrysabato Israel had no right to be on that ship - period - and there are 15-20 passengers dead & 60 wounded v. no Israeli fatalities

2010-06-01 04:09:21

@rqskye Not even Israel is claiming that ship was delivering weapons - apologists shouldn't go further than what the Israeli Gov't claims.

2010-06-01 04:11:57

@notlarrysabato The issue isn't the wrongdoing of those particular soldiers - it's the government for sending them to do it.

2010-06-01 04:12:48

al jazeera crew in ashdod forced to leave after being harassed and attacked by pro-Israeli protestors. So much for protecting free speech!

2010-06-01 04:12:00
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