We cherish the Kyoto Kaikan, a building of Kyoto and landscape around there.

We cherish the Kyoto Kaikan, a building of Kyoto and landscape around there. Opposite the demolition of the first Kyoto Kaikan Hall!& Signature site(http://kyoto21c.exblog.jp/14598095/) 京都会館と景観を大切にしたいわけ。京都会館第一ホールの取り壊し反対! 【2012年7月27日付 世界遺産の近代建築部門の選出と関係の深いDOCOMOMOの日本支部から、今回の基本設計が「京都会館の歴史的建造物として文化的価値を喪失する」ものであることを明言した意見書が提出】http://kyoto21c.exblog.jp/16591390/ 続きを読む

The building belong to Kyoto City, the modern architecture and the representative work of Kunio Maekaswa.Opened in 1960.


"Is a place like this, remaining for a miracle. Rather, the people of Kyoto, please notice it,"

森 桜 @morisakura


2011-12-12 23:27:04

"As soon as the building is lost, the relationship between people which would have been there, the relationship between people and nature disappear"

森 桜 @morisakura


2011-12-12 23:39:41

"A typical Kyoto people would be understand that it is the rough diamond which we can see now in the building and it is stupid to break half of the building and added new one, because we can imagine that the old building can regain its shining when we polish it.That it is the most fun." 

森 桜 @morisakura


2011-12-12 23:52:08

"Even coming to the building, Kyoto Kaikan, there is a few people who look at the architecture consciously . But, if you look at the building through the world of architecture, you will unterstand how important the building and eivironment aroud there is"

森 桜 @morisakura


2011-12-13 00:10:18

~Public you tube! 2nd Symposium Kyoto Kaikan~

Kyoto Kaikan rebuilding plan proceeds.
(Architectural historian, Professor, Kyoto Institute of Technology) Matsuguma will talk, the problems of planning and story so far. Also published forecast figure of a rapidly changing landscape of Okazaki after Reconstruction.

森 桜 @morisakura

【you tube公開!京都会館第2回シンポジウム】建替え計画が進む京都会館。これまでの経緯と計画の問題点を、松隈洋(建築史家,京都工芸繊維大学教授)が語ります。建替後に激変する岡崎の風景の予想図も公開。http://t.co/yPdPqH9m

2011-12-24 00:51:51

Latest video

And memories of interest because we have taken the other day state of the "Kyoto Kaikan" concert hall in Kyoto supposed to be would be torn down without mercy toward the end of March next year will be closed under the name of renovation If you are, please try to look.

We want to show you the picture of the "Kyoto Kaikan" concert hall in Kyoto, which will be torn down without mercy toward the end of the March in next year, and the building will be closed under the name of renovation.

So, If you are interested in this building , please come to look at. 

カエル岩 @kaeruiwa1963

改修の名の下に来年の3月の末頃には閉館になり無残にも取り壊されてしまう事になっている京都のコンサートホール『京都会館』の様子を先日撮影してきましたので関心や思い出のある方は是非ご覧になってみて下さいhttp://t.co/SeVAjxip  #京都会館 

2011-12-30 01:21:35

Tokyo Metropolitan Foundation for History and Culture is doing the management and operation. Kunio Maekawa design. Opened in 1961

松隈 章 @tabibitoc6120

東京文化会館開館50周年記念コンサートに行ってきた。建て替え問題となっている京都会館とは雲泥の差、様々な方々の祝福に溢れている。 確か?1985年に設計者の前川国男さんと歩いたホワイエにしばし佇み、当時を思い出していた。ホントに豊かさを感 http://t.co/4c8kCDP0

2011-11-01 21:56:25

I went to opening Anniversary Concert 50 Tokyo Bunka Kaikan. Kyoto Kaikan and reconstruction has become a problem is full of blessing a world of difference, of a variety of people.
Sure? Often stood in the foyer and walked Mr. Kunio Maekawa's design in 1985, was remembered at the time. I feel the foyer was spacious and really rich.



Kyoto Kaikan reflected in the pond

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