
個人的にはこういうレベルのことがまとまった "effective scala" が欲しいですね
Tony Morris @dibblego

@etorreborre @runarorama @viktorklang @timperrett flying down tomorrow to see a surgeon. Prolly won't get time though.

2012-03-06 07:43:49
Tony Morris @dibblego

@etorreborre @runarorama @viktorklang @timperrett got it this time. Unanimous agreement from 4 surgeons. Shit story.

2012-03-06 07:49:31
Jared Wyles @rioter

@viktorklang @dibblego @timperrett interested in hearing your reasons for not needing list.head

2012-03-06 08:17:50
Tony Morris @dibblego

@viktorklang @rioter @timperrett Cons is not a type. This is just another scala mistake. NonEmptyList.head.

2012-03-06 08:28:07
Tony Morris @dibblego

@rioter @viktorklang @timperrett values of the form F[A]=>A are called copointed. None of List, Option, IO, Future (etc) are copointed.

2012-03-06 08:29:35
Lachlan O'Dea @quelgar

@viktorklang @runarorama @dibblego @timperrett What is the recommended alternative to Future.get? I have just started using Futures

2012-03-06 08:35:05
Rúnar @runarorama

@quelgar @viktorklang @dibblego @timperrett The recommended alternative is flatMapping that shit.

2012-03-06 09:44:36
Timothy Perrett @timperrett

@runarorama @quelgar @viktorklang @dibblego it amazes me that not one talk at Scala Days included flatMap that shit as part of its abstract

2012-03-06 09:47:44
Lachlan O'Dea @quelgar

@runarorama @viktorklang @dibblego @timperrett oh, I totally do, and sequence. But I've ended up calling .get eventually

2012-03-06 09:48:26
Lachlan O'Dea @quelgar

@viktorklang I have flatMapped and sequenced everything into one future. What then? Pass callbacks to one or more of the "onX" methods?

2012-03-06 15:20:16
Tony Morris @dibblego

Values that are copointed: Tuple1,[X]Tuple2[X,_], Function0,[K]java.util.Map.Entry[K,_],Identity,[X,F:Copointed]CoState[X,F,_],Tree,Zipper

2012-03-06 15:22:14
Tony Morris @dibblego

More values that are copointed: [W:Monoid,F:Copointed]CoWriterT[W,F,_],[X,F[_]: Copointed]Coreader[X, F, _]. Twitter sucks, read code.

2012-03-06 15:24:49
Lachlan O'Dea @quelgar

@viktorklang aha. I'm not using Actors myself yet, just indirectly via a library (spray-client). Thanks for the tips!

2012-03-06 15:54:59
Tony Morris @dibblego

FindResult :: (Monad f, Monad g) => IO (f (g (IO [FilePath]))) -- sad, but could be [FilePath] which would be catastrophic.

2012-03-06 17:36:43