2010年6月5 日、レイチェル・コリー号(ガザ自由船団)が本当に拿捕されるまで、およびその後

【6・6イスラエル大使館行動@東京】 http://0000000000.net/p-navi/info/info/201006041809.htm 関連ハッシュタグ: #RachelCorrie #flotilla #Gaza 続きを読む
nofrills 🍉 #ガザ市民の声翻訳 (旧 #ガザ投稿翻訳)発起人 @nofrills

今日は私はネットに張り付いているので行けませんが、今これやってます→ 土井敏邦さん『届かぬ声―パレスチナ・占領と生きる人びと』4部作・上映会 http://doi-toshikuni.net/j/info/20100605.html

2010-06-05 15:09:58
カフェバグダッド/CAFE BAGHDAD @cafebaghdad

祈念回復 RT @amneris84 ジャーナリストの土井敏邦さん、今朝、脳梗塞で緊急入院。 ただ、症状は軽くて話もできる、と奥様

2010-06-05 15:48:10
Shoko Egawa @amneris84

病院で映画とイスラエルによる支援船襲撃について語る土井敏邦さん。口調しっかりしてました=上映会でながされたビデオより #TwitPict http://twitpic.com/1u2lrz

2010-06-05 16:44:25
The Economist @TheEconomist

The government’s macho attitude is actually making Israel weaker http://econ.st/cTkxqO #economist

2010-06-05 15:12:49
nuzhound @nuzhound

Warrior for peace - Mairead Corrigan Maguire :: Belfast Telegraph -- Alan Murray: http://bit.ly/csDsMO #Ireland #Ulster

2010-06-06 01:50:50
中村U子 @when_we_cry

「ダブリンでは数百名の人々がイスラエル大使館を包囲している」でOKかな? QT @GazaUnderSiege: Live from Dublin, hundreds of people surrounding the Israeli Embassy

2010-06-05 12:46:44
Israel Defense Forces @IDF

IDF ship has not yet issued warning to Rachel Corrie, initial identification request only, ship not boarded

2010-06-05 14:11:24
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah

@IDFSpokesperson Do Israeli forces intend to board the ship?

2010-06-05 14:14:51
Israel Defense Forces @IDF

@avinunu IDF will enforce maritime closure. Rachel Corrie will be invited to Ashdod Port, can transfer aid over land

2010-06-05 14:21:12
Israel Defense Forces @IDF

Update: Rachel Corrie now ~40 miles from shore, IDF made initial request for ID, ship not boarded

2010-06-05 14:24:14
freegazaorg @freegazaorg

Al Jazeera reports that the Navy is insisting they go to Ashdod. Passengers say 'no'. Navy says they will drag boat to Ashdod. Not possible

2010-06-05 14:24:37
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah

@IDFSpokesperson What if it refuses your "invitation"? Will you use force?

2010-06-05 14:24:37
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah

@IDFSpokesperson Your blockade is illegal collective punishment; violates your obligations under Fourth Geneva Convention as occupying power

2010-06-05 14:26:37
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah

@IDFSpokesperson Collective punishment is a war crime. All Israeli military personnel who participate in such war crimes are liable.

2010-06-05 14:27:21
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah

@IDFSpokesperson Humanitarian aid is only needed in Gaza because your siege has devastated economy, agriculture, reduced people to poverty.

2010-06-05 14:29:02
Ali Abunimah @AliAbunimah

@IDFSpokesperson You created a wasteland, and then deprived the survivors of the means of sustenance. It is a cruel and criminal policy.

2010-06-05 14:29:30
Alan Fisher @AlanFisher

Israeli navy ships are "shadowing" a Malaysian-funded Irish aid ship headed towards #Gaza say people on board

2010-06-05 14:31:18
Alan Fisher @AlanFisher

MV Rachel Corrie's radar was reportedly jammed as the ship sailed closer to restricted waters off #Gaza Strip early on Saturday. #Flotilla

2010-06-05 14:32:12
Alan Fisher @AlanFisher

Israel has not iofficially commented on the new #Gaza bound ship but has said it will not allow the vessel to dock on the strip. #Flotilla

2010-06-05 14:33:05
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