Husbands Season 2 Ep1 ツイッターパーティ*その2

ハズバンズ @TeamHusbands シーズン2第1話公開記念なツイッターパーティその2。
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𝒶𝓀𝑒𝓂𝒾 @ImekaSF

@GoCheeksGo @TeamHusbands @JaneEspenson No question: just wanted to say that I loved Ep1, and am SO excited for more! #lovehusbands

2012-08-16 11:35:14
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@ImekaSF @TeamHusbands @JaneEspenson Thank you so much! I'm so thrilled you like it and can't wait to give you more.

2012-08-16 11:37:10
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

Yes & yes. RT @PplAreMadStupid Is @BambolaBambina going to be in the next ep? Is she going to help stir up more controversy? #lovehusbands

2012-08-16 11:38:07
Backpacking Dad @BackpackingDad

@GoCheeksGo @JaneEspenson I watched today's episode on my phone, in the men's changing room at the gym. Dressed in a towel. #lovehusbands

2012-08-16 11:34:34
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@youcantrewind We did! I needed more closet space. And a pool.

2012-08-16 11:39:16
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

I'm sure Cheeks will undress the issue. RT @Zoodlemouse13 Will Cheeks "talk" to Brady about asking him to be less gay? #lovehusbands

2012-08-16 11:40:14
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

*Yes, undress. RT @Zoodlemouse13 Will Cheeks "talk" to Brady about asking him to be less gay? #lovehusbands

2012-08-16 11:40:45
Jane Espenson @JaneEspenson

@Kcat10 Well, @gocheeksgo tells a story about a man rescuing starfish -- he can't help them all, but he helps the ones he can.

2012-08-16 11:41:21
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

Isn't he amazing?! And Amber slays me. RT @impalergeneral Love Joss as agent, Amber as angry housewife, the newlyweds.

2012-08-16 11:41:58
Deric A. Hughes - SoCal War Dog @dblackanese

Watch a great fun series, if you got some time...which I know you do. RT @JaneEspenson Watch every week at this time.

2012-08-16 11:34:17
Jane Espenson @JaneEspenson

@xof1013 I got a letter from Russell Davies (Torchwood), praising season two. Loving it and loving @GoCheeksGo. #lovehusbands

2012-08-16 11:42:21
RJ @Aislinn_Dochas

@JaneEspenson @GoCheeksGo - Not seen new episode yet. Will soon. Enjoyed Season 1. See you at Dragoncon in acouple weeks. :-)

2012-08-16 11:41:32
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

Indeed! And it's a doozy! RT @alexapaulercio Will there be a season finale for the show? #lovehusbands

2012-08-16 11:43:17
Mon ! cA @TheSun_TheStars

@GoCheeksGo Do you have any plan to film in Japan like you travel to Tokyo for half month or 1 year celebration?? #lovehusbands

2012-08-16 11:38:48
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

@DukeHarebert We'd love to, but the travel cost is pretty steep. We don't have quite that budget yet.

2012-08-16 11:43:54
Brad Bell @GoCheeksGo

We do make a parallel, wrote it about a week before Obama's statement. RT @JohnHoff3 Will president's stance on marriage influence episodes?

2012-08-16 11:44:52
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