
2010年7月27日、首相となって初めてトルコを訪問した英国のデイヴィッド・キャメロン首相(保守党)が、トルコのエルドアン首相との会見で、「トルコのEU加盟の手続の迅速化が必要」と述べるなどしたほか、5月末に発生したイスラエル軍によるガザ支援船襲撃について「イスラエルによる迅速で透明な調査」が必要と発言した上で、「パレスチナの状況は変化しなければならない」として「ガザは強制収容所状態で放置されてはならない」と述べた。 http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-10767768 [quote] "Humanitarian goods and people must flow in both directions. Gaza can not and must not be allowed to remain a prison camp," he said. 続きを読む
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Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

Did Esther Orner demand that Israel let Palestinian writers out of Gaza concentration camp so they could travel? http://j.mp/9CU7Zi

2010-07-27 21:25:22
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

Apartheid regime ethnically cleanses entire Bedouin village in Naqab, southern Palestine http://bit.ly/9hHJOW

2010-07-27 21:12:13
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

The apartheid regime is a temporary abomination. The Bedouin will return to their homes.

2010-07-27 21:12:41
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

An illegitimate apartheid "state" cannot decide which Bedouin villages are "recognized" and "unrecognized."

2010-07-27 21:13:31

Israel demolishes Bedouin village: About 300 residents of a village in the Negev desert have lost homes and posses... http://aje.me/9mTCPQ

2010-07-27 23:07:10

Gaza 'prison camp' comments divide British Conservatives http://bit.ly/b9FQ6M

2010-07-27 23:11:56
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