正しくTogetter / min.tにログインできない不具合が発生中です。X側の修正をお待ちください(詳細はこちら)


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James Abbott @abbottjam

@yukihiro_matz Thank you! Made my life more productive and fun - no mean feat!

2013-02-24 01:57:25
Rin (they/them) @rinrae

@yukihiro_matz That means Ruby's old enough to drink now, right?

2013-02-24 02:38:29
Larry Lv @larrylv

@yukihiro_matz Thank you for giving Ruby to the world!

2013-02-24 02:39:38

@yukihiro_matz 20.times { puts "thank you! matz" }

2013-02-24 02:59:11
#FreePalestine @tundal45

@yukihiro_matz Thank you for creating a language that is optimized for my happiness.

2013-02-24 03:11:56
Jonan Scheffler 👾 @thejonanshow

@yukihiro_matz Rubyの事は本当にありがとうございます。あなたのおかげで何人も素晴らしい仕事をできました。

2013-02-24 03:30:56
Kenn Ejima @kenn

@yukihiro_matz I wouldn’t even be an engineer if it were not for Ruby. Thank you and happy birthday to Ruby!

2013-02-24 03:51:55
Titanic String Section @rgarner

@yukihiro_matz that means you started dev about a week after I met my wife. Both have worked out well ;)

2013-02-24 04:00:22
Anton Davydov @anton_davydov

сегодня исполняется 20 лет #ruby20party! от всей души желаю радовать меня дальше и огромное спасибо тебе @yukihiro_matz :3

2013-02-24 04:25:17
Tobias Pfeiffer @PragTob

@yukihiro_matz thank yoy so much for this beautiful language, just shared my passion today and taught some ruby to Beginners :-D

2013-02-24 04:34:47
Jeremie @jcasts

Happy Birthday Ruby! Thanks @yukihiro_matz and all the awesome people making it happen! http://t.co/6rD3MVmKG2

2013-02-24 04:36:51
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