
Ciências do Mar @Ciencias_do_Mar

@Cloud_pedia Fuck you, Loser! You are BLOCKED! Now go back to your hole in the shit, coward sissy! Defeated! Fuck off!

2014-08-27 22:38:53
Sua Alteza Real Imperial Dom Ricardo, o Magnânimo @Yggrdrasill

@Cloud_pedia You're weak! Loser! Coward! Defeated! Keep hiding and crying in your hole, loser! You are a useless piece of shit!

2014-08-27 22:35:15
Direito Eleitoral @Lei_Eleitoral

@Cloud_pedia But running away is something that will not help you! Because I have other profiles, you coward! HaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaHaH!!!!!!

2014-08-27 22:34:16

@Cloud_pedia And I saw how COWARD you are, because you blocked my profile after you talk all that shit, you coward chicken! HaHaHaHaHaH!!!

2014-08-27 22:33:17
Medicina Por Amor @Amo_Tua_Saude

@Cloud_pedia I'm not gay, but I'm not stupid like you! I am intelligent enough to not to be prejudicial to gays. You are a closeted gay

2014-08-27 22:32:27
Professor R.G.N. @Professor_R_G_N

@Cloud_pedia But I could understand how homophobic you are. Homophobic people are closeted gays. Psychology explains this!

2014-08-27 22:31:00
Geografia D Religião @GeoReligiao

@Cloud_pedia You do not speak English very well. How old are you? Five years old? You should already know how to speak English!

2014-08-27 22:30:13
Grimoar @Grimoar

@Cloud_pedia Psychology explains this: You hate gays because you're gay and you're afraid that you will not resist your desire.

2014-08-27 22:31:32