
巨額な税金を投じて防潮堤を造り、自然の猛威に立ち向かおうとする国、日本。 日本のメディアが取り上げない事も、海外メディアは冷静に取り上げます。 いつも海外メディアの報道をTweetして下さる、平野美紀さんに感謝しています。
Miki Hirano @mikihirano

「この怪物(巨大防潮堤の事)は津波を止められるだろうか?Will this monstrosity stop a tsunami?」という副題で、岩手・陸前高田市長田に建設中の新防潮堤に反対する住民の声を取り上げた豪メディアの記事。⇒ news.com.au/technology/env…

2015-03-23 08:57:51

誤) 長田
正) 長部

Miki Hirano @mikihirano


2015-03-23 09:03:12
Miki Hirano @mikihirano


2015-03-23 09:07:31
リンク NewsComAu Japan’s radical bid to fend off tsunamis with giant, 400km sea wall FOUR years after a towering tsunami ravaged much of Japan’s northeastern coast, efforts to fend off future disasters are focusing on a nearly 400-kilometre chain of cement sea walls, at places nearly five storeys high.

FOUR years after a towering tsunami ravaged much of Japan’s northeastern coast, efforts to fend off future disasters are focusing on a nearly 400-kilometre chain of cement sea walls, at places nearl..

Local residents Kazutoshi Musashi, left, and Shigeru Chiba look at the 12.5-metre-high concrete barrier under construction in the northern fishing port of Osabe, in Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture. ..

A woman walks near sea walls being built in Rikuzentakata, Iwate Prefecture, northeastern Japan. Source: AP

Local leader Takeshi Konno points at a construction site for the giant sea walls. Source: AP

A Shinto shrine gate remains standing on a hill as sea walls are being built in the waterfront area in Rikuzentakata. Source: AP

The lone pine tree that miraculously survived the deadly 2011 tsunami among 70,000 trees along the coastline, stands in Rikuzentakata.The tree, which was badly damaged from seawater after surviving..

まとめ 世界最強だった田老町の防潮堤 東日本大震災の津浪で破壊された岩手県下閉伊郡田老町(現在は宮古市田老)の防潮堤。世界最強だった防潮堤とは一体何だったのか。平野美紀さんのTweetをまとめました。 13229 pv 40 1 user