2011年1月19日: チュニジア(15) #Tunisia #sidibouzid #OpTunisia

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Angelique Chrisafis @achrisafis

Mood in Tunisia lifts, but revolution may not be over http://gu.com/p/2mgjf/tf

2011-01-20 09:34:51
Voice of Tunisia @Voiceoftunisia

To all Arab freedom fighters PLZ Do NOT set yourselves alight you will better serve revolution alive. #sidibouzid #tunisia #revolution

2011-01-20 09:56:06
Masaaki Noguchi @abu_mustafa

中東の窓 : チュニジア情勢の波及問題(アラブ連盟事務局長の警告) http://blog.livedoor.jp/abu_mustafa/archives/3348625.html

2011-01-20 09:57:13
Voice of Tunisia @Voiceoftunisia

Bouazizi set himself alight with no plan to trigger a revolt. This is not a recipe to initiate revolution. #sidibouzid #Tunisia #revolution

2011-01-20 10:02:45
Weddady @weddady

أستغفر الله و أتوب إليه من هذي التويتة ..أستغفر الله...زين العابدين متى تزوج بليلى الحلاقة؟ و متى ولدت نسرين؟ أستغفر الله #sidibouzid

2011-01-20 10:01:48
Weddady @weddady

RT @abanidrees: man sets himself on fire in #Yemen gov threatens to crack down on demos http://j.mp/fExkDe #yemen #tunisia #sidibouzid

2011-01-20 10:04:54
Weddady @weddady

RT @AnonymousIRC: Allright, #OpVenezuela made it into media: http://is.gd/AD0XTA | Only a beginning. Freedom (cont) http://tl.gd/88o7oa

2011-01-20 10:11:13
Voice of Tunisia @Voiceoftunisia

Media: PLZ stop inspiring people to immolate themselves. Emphasize on martyrs killed in demonstrations. #sidibouzid #Tunisia #revolution

2011-01-20 10:13:35
Weddady @weddady

Here's why Kemal Morjane should be fired NOW-RCD Degage RT @Tharwacolamus: RT @halmustafa: #SidiBouzid http://twitpic.com/3rkvzy

2011-01-20 10:22:32
Weddady @weddady

#Tunisia foreign ministry refuses to issue passports to kids of dissidents -Morjane RT @halmustafa: #SidiBouzid http://bit.ly/fRiRJD

2011-01-20 10:24:34
Weddady @weddady

RT @halmustafa: Ben Ali's police tracked Muslim girls wearing hijab-document #SidiBouzid #Tunisia http://bit.ly/gmJttZ

2011-01-20 10:27:41
Weddady @weddady

Footage of Elmourouj shootout btw army and ex presidential guard-youtube video via @halmustafa http://bit.ly/etCc2R #sidibouzid

2011-01-20 10:33:51
Weddady @weddady

#Media hasn't picked up yet the documents tunisians got out from their Stasi-like police stations. #Sidibouzid #Tunisia

2011-01-20 10:36:37
Weddady @weddady

Police reports photographed by tunisians & put online showing the inner-workings of repression & social control #sidibouzid

2011-01-20 10:38:01
Ayman @AymanM

Watch my profile piece on Mohammed Bouazizi, including interviews with the family starting from 02GMT Sunday exclusively on #AJE #Tunisia

2011-01-20 10:38:47
Weddady @weddady

The documents show that under Ben Ali, #Tunisia had a more efficient replica of Stasi or KGB spying, tracking intimidating ppl #sidibouzid

2011-01-20 10:43:27
sami ben gharbia @ifikra

Tunisian minister and ex-"dissident" defends cabinet http://is.gd/6y6JCq @slim404 shameful it's like tunisians outside the RCD r not skilled

2011-01-20 10:57:16
Weddady @weddady

RT @halmustafa: Deed of a huge land plot to the name of Ben Ali's son (5yrs old) #SidiBouzid #Tunisia #BenAli http://bit.ly/hwswTz

2011-01-20 11:01:00
Weddady @weddady

RT @halmustafa: Ben Ali's 5-yrs old land is in a posh location, bought dirt cheap from owner http://bit.ly/gHwoh6 #SidiBouzid

2011-01-20 11:04:53
Dima Khatib @Dima_Khatib

ثورة الشعب التونسي... درس الإرادة http://tl.gd/87ddbk Written by @el_ghazawy #sidibouzid #tunisia #arab

2011-01-20 11:06:19
Roufa Therrien @roufa3

#Tunisie: #BenAli s'entretient avec certains membres du nouveau gouvernement http://xfru.it/Yn39dU -les Saudis vont-ils le foutre dehors?

2011-01-20 11:07:42
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