【20110121-25】ハイチ 3【Duvalier電撃帰国、Celestin棄権?】

 http://togetter.com/li/90867 の続き。  Duvalier氏の今後は不明なまま。大統領選決選投票については1月31日に改めて最終発表との噂。またAristide氏も帰国するような噂あり?  25日、現職の後継者Celestinが選挙戦からの撤退表明?  隣国ドミニカでコレラ感染による初の死者!
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Etienne Côté-Paluck @etiennecp

Célestin would be ready to leave the presidential race to help end the election crisis. #Haiti #rumorstartingtolooklikereality

2011-01-25 22:38:27
𝕊𝕜𝔸𝕝𝕐 🇭🇹🇺🇸🎭 @skaly08

Strong rumors this morning that Jude Celestin is about to or have conceded. Waiting for confirmation. #Haiti #Elections

2011-01-25 22:42:04
九曜@navagraha_@mastodon.juggler.jp @navagraha_

ハイチ:停滞している大統領選について、現職の後継者が今日にも負けを認めるかもしれない、ようなツイート漂着なう。んんん。現職はどうする?最終投票は誰に?baby docの電撃帰国との関連は?まあ、「噂です」と枕がついてるので眉唾かしら。

2011-01-25 22:48:26
Gio @Giojules

Celestin, the government hand picked candidate, would be about to step aside #Haiti #Elections. Heads of party report

2011-01-25 22:58:53
Pascal Robert @probert06

According #Haiti 's Radio Metropole, #Preval 's flunky, Jude Celestin, is about to announce his concession/removal from the candidates #fb

2011-01-25 23:11:11
Michel J. Martelly @MichelJMartelly

Michel J. Martelly sur Matin Caraibes - 94.5FM - Chaine 22 - www.caraibesfm.com ce matin!

2011-01-25 23:12:24
九曜@navagraha_@mastodon.juggler.jp @navagraha_


2011-01-25 23:13:49

#Haiti Despite 60% Pop is rural, 4% of gov budget and 2.5 % of aid directed toward agriculture http://bit.ly/aeYYHU @Wyclef

2011-01-25 23:41:16
HaitianToday @HaitianToday

Jude Celestin may leave the presidential race in #Haiti #Elections #INITE

2011-01-25 23:50:55
Crawford Kilian @Crof

Haiti: 3,927 cholera deaths as of January 17 http://bit.ly/gzhx61

2011-01-25 23:56:20
切り取り線 @kiri_tori

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2011-01-26 00:00:00
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