タイラーだけど何か質問ある? #TalkToTaylor

アプリゲーム「lifeline」「Silent Night」の主人公タイラーくんがブラックホールからファンの質問に答えてくれました。
前へ 1 ・・ 9 10 12 次へ
Lifeline @lifelinegame

@__u__c__h__i Don't worry. Talking is the only thing I CAN do, most of the time!

2016-02-25 07:35:32
Swift @HavokRyan

@lifelinegame #TalkToTaylor alright alright Tay. Heres a joke. Knock knock.

2016-02-25 06:30:18
Ash but great @Jellotato

@WingedJoh @lifelinegame Me too None of mine are getting answered though ;-;

2016-02-25 06:31:12
Lifeline @lifelinegame

@Jellotato @WingedJoh Trying so, so hard to get to everybody's questions. Never expected so many. I am bad at expecting!

2016-02-25 07:37:34
Lifeline @lifelinegame

@nichelle_hannah Not great. The cable guy said he'd be out to the black hole yesterday. I waited all day but he never showed.

2016-02-25 07:38:49
ちよイモ @potechiyo

@lifelinegame hope you wont be freaking out on st.Patrick’s day when back on earth. btw would you put me in your marriage proposal list?😉

2016-02-25 06:34:38
Lifeline @lifelinegame

@potechiyo The list is long, but there's always room for one more. [rubs hands together maniacally, cackles]

2016-02-25 07:40:53
葛子 @lifelineeee

@lifelinegame 愛してるよ、タイラー (You cannot maybe understand my wards.) #TalkToTaylor

2016-02-25 06:34:52
Lifeline @lifelinegame

@lifelineeee Twitter tells me that you're saying "I love you," which is nice to hear in any language. Thanks!

2016-02-25 07:42:00
nolan buro @theclobberinkid

@lifelinegame have you ever read this comic Public Relations? I think its your style. What does "load bearing" mean to you? #TalkWithTaylor

2016-02-25 06:35:51
Lifeline @lifelinegame

@theclobberinkid That comic is nothing but filth and pop culture references. OF COURSE I've read it.

2016-02-25 07:43:01
Lifeline @lifelinegame

@Jellotato Honestly, all the pictures of me that fans have done are MUCH more flattering than any photo I could offer.

2016-02-25 07:43:34

@lifelinegame what planet r u from? if it's earth I'd love for u to visit! my mom's bf is a bomb ass cook and we could get WASTED together

2016-02-25 06:36:22
Lifeline @lifelinegame

@gentIejim I'm definitely from planet Earth. From Texas (which sometimes thinks it's a planet unto itself). Sounds like a plan!

2016-02-25 07:44:48
Patrick Kelly @CerebralPalsite

@lifelinegame What are you hungry for? Probably something aside from rat food #TalkToTaylor

2016-02-25 06:36:54
Lifeline @lifelinegame

@ThePatK A casserole dish of enchiladas, a fork, and a blanket to hide under until I'm finished pigging out.

2016-02-25 07:45:52
Lifeline @lifelinegame

Hey everyone, my orbit is starting to take me out of range. 15 more minutes of #TalkToTaylor and I'll be disconnected.

2016-02-25 07:46:53
Linda "The Cheeze" Castro @drphil8mybaby

@lifelinegame Have you seen any sandworms? If so, could you ride one to victory? #TalkToTaylor

2016-02-25 06:38:09
Lifeline @lifelinegame

@drphil8mybaby Not yet. But if I could find some spice to flow onto these bland rations, that'd be pretty great.

2016-02-25 07:49:19
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