#Egypt #Jan25 エジプト、カイロ、タハリール広場から、2月2日 #egyjp (ムバラク支持者の乱入と暴力)

カイロ、タハリール広場からのアルジャジーラ、CNNなどのメディアの記者のツイート。 ひとり、アレキサンドリアの人がいます(女性、ガーディアン記者) 本題に入る前の前菜は、米国政府から @pjcrowley の発言数日分。 続きを読む
Philip J. Crowley @PJCrowley

We are concerned that communication services, including the Internet, social media and even this #tweet, are being blocked in #Egypt.

2011-01-28 12:24:12
Philip J. Crowley @PJCrowley

Events unfolding in #Egypt are of deep concern. Fundamental rights must be respected, violence avoided and open communications allowed.

2011-01-29 00:47:24
Philip J. Crowley @PJCrowley

Reform is vital to #Egypt's long-term well-being. The Egyptian government should view its people as a partner and not as a threat.

2011-01-29 00:54:22
Philip J. Crowley @PJCrowley

The government and people of #Egypt face consequential choices in the coming days. We hope they choose a path of dialogue and reform.

2011-01-29 09:49:03
Philip J. Crowley @PJCrowley

As Secretary #Clinton said, deeply held grievances in #Egypt must be addressed and peacefully resolved. Violence will not make them go away.

2011-01-29 09:55:57
Philip J. Crowley @PJCrowley

As President #Obama said, ideas in #Egypt cannot be suppressed. The people want change and the government must respond to that aspiration.

2011-01-29 10:00:31
Philip J. Crowley @PJCrowley

With protesters still on the streets of #Egypt, we remain concerned about the potential for violence and again urge restraint on all sides.

2011-01-29 23:26:07
Philip J. Crowley @PJCrowley

The people of #Egypt no longer accept the status quo. They are looking to their government for a meaningful process to foster real reform.

2011-01-29 23:39:43
Philip J. Crowley @PJCrowley

The #Egyptian government can't reshuffle the deck and then stand pat. President #Mubarak's words pledging reform must be followed by action.

2011-01-29 23:50:01
Philip J. Crowley @PJCrowley

#SecClinton today: U.S. supports a peaceful, orderly transition to free, fair and credible elections that lead to real democracy in #Egypt.

2011-01-30 23:42:51
Philip J. Crowley @PJCrowley

#SecClinton today: The government must open an inclusive national dialogue with the people of #Egypt as part of a lengthy process of reform.

2011-01-31 00:07:59
Philip J. Crowley @PJCrowley

We are concerned by the shutdown of #Al-Jazeera in #Egypt and arrest of its correspondents. Egypt must be open and the reporters released.

2011-01-31 22:19:17
Sharif Kouddous شريف عبد القدوس @sharifkouddous

Amazing here. Interviewed many people of all stripes. The mood, atmosphere, energy, the certitude of victory & change is inspiring #Egypt

2011-02-01 20:00:29
Sharif Kouddous شريف عبد القدوس @sharifkouddous

Ppl have lots of different ideas about what comes after Mubarak. The one things they agree on is they want to choose for themselves. #Egypt

2011-02-01 22:30:25
Sharif Kouddous شريف عبد القدوس @sharifkouddous

A handbook with anti-crowd dispersal techniques, like tear gas tips, maps, etc used by many protesters in Friday battle with police #Egypt

2011-02-02 00:34:46
Brian Whitaker @Brian_Whit

If you're going to tweet that Mubarak has resigned, please state your source. Don't raise false hopes #jan25

2011-02-02 01:06:40
Philip J. Crowley @PJCrowley

The U.S. Embassy in #Cairo has been especially busy in the past several days with an active outreach to political and civil society reps,

2011-02-02 01:19:30
Philip J. Crowley @PJCrowley

As part of our public outreach to convey support for orderly transition in #Egypt, Ambassador Scobey spoke today with Mohammed #ElBaradei.

2011-02-02 01:24:41
Brian Whitaker @Brian_Whit

Are we about to see an encampment developing in Tahrir Square, as happened in Martyrs' Square, Beirut? #jan25

2011-02-02 02:56:48
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill

RT @Henry_Kissinger: One thing we've learnt in recent days is that the Arab Street is full of Arabs. ... Disturbing

2011-02-02 03:51:33
matthew cassel @matthewcassel

Cannot believe tens of thousands still at Tahrir still chanting against Mubarak. #Egypt jan25

2011-02-02 04:02:23
Harriet Sherwood @harrietsherwood

Reports say Mubarak is to step down in Sept. Will that satisfy protesters? Hard to believe after today

2011-02-02 04:23:51
Harriet Sherwood @harrietsherwood

Al Jazeera has weirdly gone off air in my hotel, replaced with Arabic soap. Much sobbing. Not about Mubarak I suspect

2011-02-02 04:35:37
jeremy scahill @jeremyscahill

Over the past week, Gamal Mubarak has gotten really good at "Call of Duty: Black Ops."

2011-02-02 04:38:45
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