マイアミ・ヒート:2016年オフ ~ウェイド移籍を中心に~ (英語:未翻訳。)

* ウェイドのCHIへの移籍から、ライリーの総括までのTLをまとめています。 * 現時点では、単に番記者たちのツイートをかき集めて区分けしただけで、日本語訳どころか重複ツイートの整理すらもしていませんが。 * 翻訳については、時間と、特に気持ちの余裕&整理ができたときに少しずつやっていくつもりです。1か月くらいかかるかもしれません。つらいので。
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DWade @DwyaneWade

The hardest part was leaving u guys. Y'all have supported me thru all my UPs but most importantly my DOWNS.

2016-07-08 02:16:26
DWade @DwyaneWade

I'm gonna miss running to the end corners of the court and the scorers table yelling "This is MY House!!!"

2016-07-08 02:18:23
DWade @DwyaneWade

But Miami-Dade County to me..will always be Wade County!!!

2016-07-08 02:19:53
DWade @DwyaneWade

I'll miss all my youngins but UD and CB I will miss like no other. I Love you both beyond words. #Brothersforlife

2016-07-08 02:22:42


tabaken @tabakenNBA

親愛なるマイアミへ 〜Dウェイドからのお別れの手紙〜 (日本語訳) pic.twitter.com/mcSAhbE4lJ

2016-07-08 01:40:58
tabaken @tabakenNBA

Dウェイドの、ヒートファミリーに送った手紙。 (ウェイドが個人的に非公式でヒート従業員に送った手紙がリークされたものを訳しました。) sun-sentinel.com/sports/miami-h… pic.twitter.com/Q89j7d8Txy

2016-07-10 11:18:03
tabaken @tabakenNBA

パット・ライリー、ウェイド移籍について。(ライリーがウェイド移籍について、ヒート首脳陣御用達のDan Le Batardに送ったテキストメッセージの訳です。) miamiherald.com/sports/spt-col… pic.twitter.com/kz6eGI45hB

2016-07-10 21:06:23


Anthony Chiang @Anthony_Chiang

Dwyane Wade set to speak to the media at his youth camp at Jose Marti Gym this morning.

2016-07-09 22:08:23
Ethan J. Skolnick, 5 Reasons Sports @EthanJSkolnick

Dwyane Wade talking to campers in Miami: "Relationships are very important. Make sure you make… instagram.com/p/BHpFFWThkLB/

2016-07-09 22:09:18
Ethan J. Skolnick, 5 Reasons Sports @EthanJSkolnick

Dwyane Wade goes down the line to hug media members.... Sits down:.. "Shoot...."

2016-07-09 22:40:09
Anthony Chiang @Anthony_Chiang

Wade: "I'm just really thankful more than anything. I'm thankful for the love and the opportunity I've had in this city for 13 years."

2016-07-09 22:40:58
Ethan J. Skolnick, 5 Reasons Sports @EthanJSkolnick

Dwyane Wade: "I'm trying to get used to the idea. I'm trying to get used to the idea of not being here... The business side, it sucks."

2016-07-09 22:41:52
Anthony Chiang @Anthony_Chiang

Wade: "I'm trying to get used to the idea, but it's hard. It's hard to get used to the idea of not being (in Miami)."

2016-07-09 22:41:53
Tim Reynolds @ByTimReynolds

Wade: "The business side of the sport, it sucks."

2016-07-09 22:42:09
Anthony Chiang @Anthony_Chiang

Wade on going to hometown of Chicago: "The last couple of years I have left to play, I wanted to live out a dream of mine."

2016-07-09 22:42:46
Ethan J. Skolnick, 5 Reasons Sports @EthanJSkolnick

Dwyane Wade on the tributes: "I assume that's what it's going to be like when I'm no longer on this Earth." Laughs.

2016-07-09 22:43:58
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