シーシェパードの支持者他の「地震ざまぁみろ」発言と、岩手県大槌町を訪れていた活動家の安否を気遣う日本人の対比。#thecove #taiji #seashepherd

【一連の流れ】当初イルカや捕鯨絡みで因果応報だとするツイートが多かったのですが、現在はパールハーバーがらみの発言がアメリカでトレンドになっているようです。いくつか韓国侵略・南京事件を挙げるものもありますが、ごく少数。現在はこうした発言が不謹慎だとする指摘が大半で、地震に関する発言全体からみればこうした不謹慎な発言は非常に少数になっています。 当初シーシェパード自体がこうした発言を行っていたわけではなかったのですが、シーシェパード代表のポール・ワトソンが「地震は天罰」とするポエムを公開していたことが判明しました。→http://togetter.com/li/111604 地震に関する海外からのポジティヴなコメントについては#prayforjapanをご覧ください。このリストよりはるかに多くの人からのコメントが付いています。この写真集も、素敵→http://www.i4pc.jp/prayforjapan 続きを読む
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2 all the dolphin killers of Taiji Japan if u r reading this check it out! NO I DO NOT LIKE U & UR WICKED WAYS! You Reap What u Sew! - Jesus

2011-03-13 15:46:29
Pangy Perry @pangyperry

Some idiots said #eartquake in #japan was a #pearlharbour karma. Screw you idiots

2011-03-13 15:47:59
𝑗𝑟𝑠𝑦𝑑𝑒𝑣𝑖𝑙 ☕ @jrsydevyl

It really annoys me that there are idiots out there saying the disaster in Japan is karma for Pearl Harbor. Assholes.

2011-03-13 15:48:06
El Ornitorrinco @patocastor

Lots of people say the earthquake in Japan was the karma for #PearlHarbor. If that's true, then imagine the karma for Hiroshima and Nagasaki

2011-03-13 15:53:42
Ethan Foster @CarrionMan

It's funny to hear all these statuses of Japan getting karma'd and how Asia deserves it. After all, isn't Karma an Asian thing? #karmajapan

2011-03-13 15:53:50
Dean Blaq @D_Warhol

Omg i was shocked when i read this... Maybe its karma thou... RT @caseydunesky: Dear japan, Suck shit. Yours sincerely, The Whales.

2011-03-13 16:04:37
RP @strongbag

There are actually people stating that the earthquake in #Japan is karma for Pearl Harbour. Seriously? Those people should fuck off.

2011-03-13 16:08:31
♡ T @theresathy

is it Japan's karma for ww2? Lmao.

2011-03-13 16:09:40

So sick & horrific how people are saying its KARMA for what happened in Japan. You have NO fucking hearts you douche bags./ #prayforjapan

2011-03-13 16:10:37

to those who kept on saying karma has gotten Japan, go back to kindergarten please where even are your brains? duckbrains =-= #prayforjapan

2011-03-13 16:11:46

How is the quake and tsunami in Japan payback for Pearl Harbour? Karma is like revenge so shouldn't it be going to the US for 2 A-Bombs??

2011-03-13 16:11:50
Mikie @TheAwesomeMan

@KEVFU2021 This crap about japan "deserving" the earthquake as "karma" for Pearl Harbor.

2011-03-13 16:13:36
Helyx @Helyxcious

@sfslim @seanbonner RE Karma Japan. Can we gather up all these wastes of life and use them for a bucket brigade to cool the reactors?

2011-03-13 16:16:37

Is it clear? You two big countries were even. There is no karma here. So why don't u help now? Why saying japan deserves it?

2011-03-13 16:16:47
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