シーシェパードの支持者他の「地震ざまぁみろ」発言と、岩手県大槌町を訪れていた活動家の安否を気遣う日本人の対比。#thecove #taiji #seashepherd

【一連の流れ】当初イルカや捕鯨絡みで因果応報だとするツイートが多かったのですが、現在はパールハーバーがらみの発言がアメリカでトレンドになっているようです。いくつか韓国侵略・南京事件を挙げるものもありますが、ごく少数。現在はこうした発言が不謹慎だとする指摘が大半で、地震に関する発言全体からみればこうした不謹慎な発言は非常に少数になっています。 当初シーシェパード自体がこうした発言を行っていたわけではなかったのですが、シーシェパード代表のポール・ワトソンが「地震は天罰」とするポエムを公開していたことが判明しました。→http://togetter.com/li/111604 地震に関する海外からのポジティヴなコメントについては#prayforjapanをご覧ください。このリストよりはるかに多くの人からのコメントが付いています。この写真集も、素敵→http://www.i4pc.jp/prayforjapan 続きを読む
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Mechelle @Mechelle_68

For each who said Japan's disaster was karma for Pearl Harbour, may you wake in the morning with a nuclear suppository shoved up your ass.

2011-03-13 14:03:01
Rana 🙃👻🎃 @iamranaragab

Anyone who considers what's happening in Japan right now Karma is choosing to ignore that we massacred them post pearl harbor. 2k to 150k+

2011-03-13 14:07:10
Mike Lipsius @mikelipsius

If #Japan's earthquake is a #karma thing for Pearl Harbour 80 years later, #America should be scared about karma for #Hiroshima. #sillyness

2011-03-13 14:14:33
Jon Alper @Jon_Alper

I want to retch whenever I see certain cretins say Tsunami karma for Pearl Harbor. The US dropped two atom bombs on Japan. Account overpaid.

2011-03-13 14:16:40
Delvirah Sabatini @dheesabatini

@ct_taylor WOW. They really have the heart to talk about Pearl Harbor and karma while those people in Japan are suffering? Are they humans??

2011-03-13 14:18:02

if Japan wants the USA to help them rebuild they NEED to join the rest of us & STOP DOLPHIN SLAUGHTER FOR GOOD!!! Its Time for a CHange!!!

2011-03-13 14:26:54
Tarragon Eames @zzUrbanSpaceman

@michaelmacv You miss my point. People are claiming earthquake is "karma" on Japan for Pearl Harbour. FFS.

2011-03-13 14:28:24
Scott Dagostino @scottdagostino

Confused -- I see outrage about people calling Japan earthquake "karma for Pearl Harbour" but no human could be THAT evil and shitty, right?

2011-03-13 14:32:30
Karma Sunset @KarmaSunset

Prayers for strength for the people of New Zealand and Japan. Live with hope and self belief. Namaste...Karma Jo

2011-03-13 14:38:48
Sayuti Azmi @msayuti

karma? RT @iklil_izzati: Apa kaitan Japan Tsunami 2011 dgn orang Jepun zaman dulu yg dera nenek moyang kita? It's 2 diff thing. Bollocks.

2011-03-13 14:44:09
Ivy Mahealani @ivymahealani

Can't begin to fathom what people are saying about Japan and karma.IGNORANCE....... God please bless us all, especially the people of Japan!

2011-03-13 14:48:14
Kyle Cummings @kstepstogo

Karma did not cause the quake or the Fukushima event in japan. Unless they renamed a tectonic plate under japan w/o telling us #Japan

2011-03-13 14:54:12
ⓜⓔⓘ❅ⓙⓤⓐⓝ @woomeijuan

some people mentioned japan earthquake and the tsunami as karma cos of pearl harbor. -_____-'' siao mindless people.

2011-03-13 15:03:23

To the people saying japan deserved this or it's karma for something ridiculous, keep in mind 9,500 ppl, 1/2 a TOWN is missing. So fuck off

2011-03-13 15:03:28
May Kim @Maaay_HSF

I feel so sad for japan! People still can say its karma for pearl habour and World War. I hope you all die of AIDS. Seriously.

2011-03-13 15:15:56
AzuriteReaction @azuritereaction

...posting on facebook saying the tsunami was karma for Japan bombing Pearl Harbor? one of my friends made a montage of pictures/quotes...

2011-03-13 15:22:26
Sherlock, A. @Sherlocked_NJ

WTF??? "this is Japan's karma punishment for Pearl Harbor, wonder what ours will be for Hiroshima and Nagasaki". Shut the fuck up!!

2011-03-13 15:23:35
Devon Greene @devongreene

People who say earthquake in Japan was b/c of Pearl Harbor, please remember OUR two atom bombs that killed 150k+. This isn't karma, twat.

2011-03-13 15:24:24
Ryan Savage @ryansavage1

Pearl Harbour is trending becuase some people are saying that the recent earthquake in #Japan is #karma for Pearl Harbour #prayforjapan

2011-03-13 15:25:40
Sushila Chapatte @sushila217

@xacrox natural disasters aren't karmic, ie: "divine punishment". "Karma"=action. Cause 'n effect. Japan's on the ring of fire.

2011-03-13 15:27:26

Singaporeans are shallow and retards for saying that Japan had an earthquake and tsunami because of Karma, are you even human? :/

2011-03-13 15:31:44
Ward Jenkins @wardomatic

Can't believe all the crazy stupid things idiots are saying re: karma to Japan, etc. If that's the case, then we Americans should watch out.

2011-03-13 15:34:02
Joe Lister @KidLoser242

How is this quake in Japan payback for Pearl Harbour? If Karma is getting revenge shouldn't it be going the US for 2 A-Bombs? Fucking idiots

2011-03-13 15:44:52

if Japan wants the USA to help them rebuild they NEED to join the rest of us & STOP DOLPHIN SLAUGHTER FOR GOOD!!! Its Time for a CHange!!!

2011-03-13 15:45:23
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