シーシェパードの支持者他の「地震ざまぁみろ」発言と、岩手県大槌町を訪れていた活動家の安否を気遣う日本人の対比。#thecove #taiji #seashepherd

【一連の流れ】当初イルカや捕鯨絡みで因果応報だとするツイートが多かったのですが、現在はパールハーバーがらみの発言がアメリカでトレンドになっているようです。いくつか韓国侵略・南京事件を挙げるものもありますが、ごく少数。現在はこうした発言が不謹慎だとする指摘が大半で、地震に関する発言全体からみればこうした不謹慎な発言は非常に少数になっています。 当初シーシェパード自体がこうした発言を行っていたわけではなかったのですが、シーシェパード代表のポール・ワトソンが「地震は天罰」とするポエムを公開していたことが判明しました。→http://togetter.com/li/111604 地震に関する海外からのポジティヴなコメントについては#prayforjapanをご覧ください。このリストよりはるかに多くの人からのコメントが付いています。この写真集も、素敵→http://www.i4pc.jp/prayforjapan 続きを読む
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Carli @CarliPopBAM

Dear Japan, remember Pearl Harbor? Karma's a bitch.

2011-03-13 12:30:51
Eileen Shannon(中村愛鈴) @airin_desu

... how can people even say that the earthquake/tsunami in Japan is "karma" for Pearl Harbor? That's just ridiculous. Seriously.

2011-03-13 12:32:07
Christie @CMoore_33

@shelisrael @nwjerseyliz I'm American & this is the first I've heard of the Japan/Pearl Harbor Karma thing. American's aren't trending it.

2011-03-13 12:39:38

For all the people who says what's happening to Japan is the result of "Karma from Pearl Harbor" - SHUT THE... http://tumblr.com/xbg1r7watw

2011-03-13 12:40:42

Am I really reading that the earthquake in Japan is karma because of Pearl Harbor? What will Japan get for Nan King? Their porn taken away?

2011-03-13 12:47:33
Name cannot be blank @c_Hello

who the hell calls karma on Japan for Pearl Harbor....I think the bombs we dropped balanced the scales

2011-03-13 12:48:55
#ChangeTheNation 🏳️‍🌈 @concessation

Absolutely appalled at people who say earthquake in japan is karma for pearl harbour, I don't know where to start.

2011-03-13 12:51:28
Sir Lego of Westeros @LegoDaddy

Japan events are karmic payback for Pearl Harbour? Clearly karma's more lagged than the average Twitter hashtag these days

2011-03-13 13:00:12
Robert Leng @RobertLeeLeng

fuck this bitchass white guy who said "who cares about #japan " , hope karma finds yur ass

2011-03-13 13:08:09
Jordan Cade Halliday @xacrox

If the quake in #japan was "karma". We (the US) sure have a lot to look forward to.

2011-03-13 13:09:51
supernova @_supern0va_

hahah. so true. RT: @xacrox: If the quake in #japan was "karma". We (the US) sure have a lot to look forward to.

2011-03-13 13:13:21

Dear Japan, Karma's a bitch Sincerely, Pearl Harbor

2011-03-13 13:18:37
大谷りょじ @ryojiotani

@xo_katee alot of people dont understand the meaning of karma. everyone in japan is having trouble connecting to the outside.

2011-03-13 13:23:40

people who cheered up when Japan goes down http://goo.gl/QLQ20 they said its karma for pearl harbor LOL

2011-03-13 13:24:02
Anri @AnriSeesStars

I know Japan attacked PH,but u guys attacked 2 cities...ANYWAYS, that's the past. and stop saying it's karma.

2011-03-13 13:29:44
Francie 🪻 @francie57

@greyparker douglas dobson tweeted karma , Japan, pearl harbor hate spew.

2011-03-13 13:35:16
Sophie Markey @sophmarkey

How on earth can people be saying that the earthquake in Japan is karma for the attack on Pearl Harbour?? Ridiculous.

2011-03-13 13:37:22
Sabina Becker @BinaBecker

Next up from the "Karma for Pearl Harbor" racists, I half expect to see Japan blamed for 9-11. It's more recent.

2011-03-13 13:37:37
Soan @SoanSabishi

http://i.imgur.com/ZojPs.jpg People actually believe that the earthquake/tsunami on Japan was "karma" for Pearl Harbor? WTF was Hiroshima?

2011-03-13 13:40:30
Felix Chalu @feechalu

to all the stupid worthless americans who keep posting on FB and twitter "ha karma for japan for what they did to pearl harbor" you are ...

2011-03-13 13:40:30
amairanger✨ @ Dandori for Life @amairanger

SERIOUSLY! I'm getting pissed with all this crap about the earthquake in Japan being karma from Pearl Harbor. D:< WHAT THE HELL?! Do these

2011-03-13 13:42:51
messy @tia_hisham

lots of people r screaming 'karma' but the people in japan aren't the ones destroying n murdering innocent sea creatures around the globe.

2011-03-13 13:49:52
/ @4pll0

Btw I was disgusted when I went on reddit and saw pics of ppl statuses on fb saying japan deserved it as karma for pearl harbour #smh

2011-03-13 13:52:29

OMG! People are actually saying that the earthquake in Japan is karma for Pearl Harbor. They've paid already you idiots! I don't hear ..

2011-03-13 13:58:47
LG @LissaLightSkin

Japan tsunami?, karma?, pearl harbor? Lmao my lil brother got me brainwashed

2011-03-13 14:02:46
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