日本を取材したVOAスティーヴさんの質疑応答 Steve Herman of the VOA #VOAAsiachat1

先日まで日本で震災と原発事故の取材をしていたVOAのスティーヴ・ハーマンさん(下記も参照)が、31日夜、Twitterで生で質疑応答を行ないました。そのログです。 See also: 2011 3/22 【本日の】Voice of America北東アジア支局長が、首相官邸会見録音をめぐり、記者クラブと対決!! 【オトコマエ】 続きを読む
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Steve Herman @W7VOA

Robert, most of the cars I saw were too smashed to try to harvest fuel. #VOAAsiachat1

2011-03-31 23:59:02
Andrew @and_hamm

#voaasiachat1 In your coverage, did you ever get a sense of how much of the affected areas have seen rescue and relief?

2011-03-31 23:59:26
Steve Herman @W7VOA

Social media had a critical role in Japan during/after the quake/tsunami. Somewhat else can better assess overall than me. #VOAAsiachat1

2011-03-31 23:59:39
R. S. S. @_R_S_S_

#VOAAsiachat1 Japanese are admirably stoic during disasters. That's a good way to survive disasters but not a good way to prevent them

2011-04-01 00:00:13
Steve Herman @W7VOA

Nearly everyone seems to have been reached by now...huge area that was destroyed. Response was faster than after Kobe quake. #VOAAsiachat1

2011-04-01 00:00:27
Steve Herman @W7VOA

I could write a book about Japan media relations with govt/TEPCO. Somebody else will I'm sure. #VOAAsiachat1

2011-04-01 00:02:35
Greg Burton @Greg_N_Burton

@w7voa re: social media - you were amazingly helpful for us in the states - was social media helpful for you as well? #VOAAsiachat1

2011-04-01 00:03:28
Jessica Stahl @jrstahl

So proud of @voaasia - just set up and executed a hugely successful twitter chat #voaasiachat1

2011-04-01 00:03:46
Steve Herman @W7VOA

Yes, I was able to exchange some info with people via Twitter, FB during the worst of it. #VOAAsiachat1

2011-04-01 00:04:07
Jan B Cox @JanBCox

@W7VOA #VOAAsiachat1 - You should WRITE the book! You have it in you! Thanks for all the reporting!

2011-04-01 00:04:30
Steve Herman @W7VOA

Yes, many people still missing and no way to do cremations for most now. Sad. #VOAAsiachat1

2011-04-01 00:05:00
Mihoko Mori @MihokoMori

I will read RT @W7VOA: I could write a book about Japan media relations with govt/TEPCO. Somebody else will I'm sure. #VOAAsiachat1

2011-04-01 00:06:52
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

日本での今回の震災・原発事故について米国人記者に質問したい人、今が千載一遇のチャンスです。ハッシュタグ #VOAAsiachat1 で。特に「日本の記者クラブメディア」について、がっつり質問できますよ。

2011-04-01 00:07:05
David Myers @dmy3rs

@W7VOA #VOAAsiachat1 why news blackout on 'Fukushima 50' et al? Why dont we know who they are, their pov, interviews, etc?

2011-04-01 00:08:11

Time’s up.Thank you all for participating. Thank you Steve.For more http://ow.ly/4pDlt Like VOAAsia on FB, follow us @VOAAsia #VOAAsiachat1

2011-04-01 00:09:53

Im eager to read it RT @W7VOA: I could write a book about Japan media relations with govt/TEPCO. Somebody else will I'm sure. #VOAAsiachat1

2011-04-01 00:11:13
Deb is immunized & building back better @DebMerriam

Fascinating, recommended: “@W7VOA: In 5 mins. I'm on my 1st VOA Tweet chat about #Japan. Hash tag: #VOAAsiachat1

2011-04-01 00:12:32
eugeniedfranval @eugeniedfranval

hey, someone had to! RT @W7VOA: Nepal is sending biscuits. #VOAAsiachat1

2011-04-01 00:16:23
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