【本日の】Voice of America北東アジア支局長が、首相官邸会見録音をめぐり、記者クラブと対決!! 【オトコマエ】

Voice of America (VOA) 北東アジア支局長のスティーヴ・ハーマンさん @W7VOA が、22日18時からの首相官邸での日本国外メディア向けブリーフィングに出席。現場で会見の仕切り担当の記者クラブからの「録音・録画はご遠慮ください」(※文言は私の想像)をブッチするというガチンコ魂! スティーヴさんのツイートをほぼ同時翻訳していた @gohsuket さんのツイートと、ルース駐日米大使のアカウントでの二言語ツイートとあわせて、「アメリカの人々の発言」ということで1ページで読める感じにしてみました。 こういうふうだから「閉鎖的」といわれるんだし、今回のような極めて深刻な事態ではそこから「何か隠している」という憶測が生じるし、実際にまずいことを隠していた過去の事例があるのだから、つなげて語られるのも無理ないと思います。
Ted Yokohama 富嶽 @TedYokohama

This is the message sent by Mr. Daniel Kahl, well-know personality in Japan to the foreign media Watch this video http://bit.ly/fG1Uxb Cont.

2011-03-21 22:45:30
Ted Yokohama 富嶽 @TedYokohama

stories. While U.S, and other foreign countries have been helping Japan & her people, what the foreign media have done is a major (Cont.)

2011-03-21 22:52:27
ynikaido @Ynikaido

We want IAEA, US, foreign media to reveal all the facts to Japan and world. Japanese government is a lier and always hides the facts!

2011-03-21 22:05:49
The Japan Times @japantimes

Foreign media take flak for fanning fears; sensationalist reports spark debate on timid domestic press http://ow.ly/4idev

2011-03-21 01:50:02
Ben Stubbings @shonanben

The Eggman and the FOX: Foreign media take flak for fanning fears | The Japan Times Online http://t.co/tLnisqI #japantimes #Fukushima

2011-03-21 21:29:10
Andrew Buncombe @AndrewBuncombe

Yawn. Yet another piece in Japan's English-language media condemning the foreign media. http://bit.ly/gO4Beq

2011-03-21 20:00:08
newzjapan @newzjapan

Even japan times is reporting it properly. Foreign media - get it right! This is important to some people who rely on you.

2011-03-22 04:13:57
Sandy Beach @Shhh527

Would be better if Japan accurately briefs own people. Starts daily foreign media briefs: http://tinyurl.com/49r38be #fukushima #nuclear

2011-03-22 13:30:28
Catherine Lewis @CatherineELewis

A fact that is largely ignored by foreign media..RT@thejakartaglobe: All of Japan is not a disaster zone. Lighten up. http://bit.ly/hAnZyR

2011-03-22 15:19:05
John V. Roos @AmbassadorRoos

The situation at Fukushima has naturally raised concerns about how far radioactive contamination might spread, and to what degree.

2011-03-22 17:15:02
John V. Roos @AmbassadorRoos


2011-03-22 17:30:02
John V. Roos @AmbassadorRoos

Available data indicates that levels of radioactivity at the reactor site itself are variable, but remain very dangerous.

2011-03-22 17:35:01
John V. Roos @AmbassadorRoos

RT @JPN_PMO: Outline of Press Conference by Chief Cabinet Secretary Edano on March 22nd at 11am was updated... http://on.fb.me/dLNMlq

2011-03-22 17:52:23
John V. Roos @AmbassadorRoos

RT @DailyYomiuri: The Yomiuri Giants' Alex Ramirez has announced he will donate $1 million (about 80M yen) to earthquake and tsunami victims

2011-03-22 17:53:15
John V. Roos @AmbassadorRoos

RT @mextjapan: [Latest Info]Reading of environmental radioactivity level (English version)http://bit.ly/ehlSxF #mext #jishin_e

2011-03-22 17:54:36
John V. Roos @AmbassadorRoos


2011-03-22 17:50:02
John V. Roos @AmbassadorRoos

Data shows the degree of radioactive contamination at ground level varying considerably by location.

2011-03-22 17:55:02
John V. Roos @AmbassadorRoos


2011-03-22 18:10:02
John V. Roos @AmbassadorRoos

The most affected areas to date are located to the northwest of the reactor site, well within the 50-mile recommended perimeter.

2011-03-22 18:15:02
Gohsuke Takama @gohsuket

福島と比較に柏崎の原子炉内部 RT @TomokoHosaka Great video! RT @martyn_williams Inside a Japanese nuclear power station. http://youtu.be/E1P6Q1e6gCg

2011-03-22 18:00:50
Steve Herman @W7VOA

At Prime Minister's office for special 1800 JST briefing for foreign media. Getting some flak from Kantei kisha club about recording audio.

2011-03-22 17:49:54
Gohsuke Takama @gohsuket

VOAスティーブ:官邸での外国メディア向けブリーフィングに来てるが、官邸記者クラブから音声録音について非難されてる RT @W7VOA At Prime Minister's office for special 180… (cont) http://deck.ly/~ytj2n

2011-03-22 18:19:19
Steve Herman @W7VOA

Being told by Kantei kisha club to unplug my audio cables. I'm refusing.

2011-03-22 17:55:26
Gohsuke Takama @gohsuket

VOAスティーブ:官邸記者クラブにより音声ケーブルを抜けと言われている。私は拒否している。 RT @W7VOA Being told by Kantei kisha club to unplug my audio cables. I'm refusing.

2011-03-22 18:20:53
Steve Herman @W7VOA

Able to record an alternative way but even Kantei and Gaimusho staff afraid to upset mighty minders of the Kantei kisha club.

2011-03-22 18:01:28
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