横浜ベイスターズのClayton Hamiltonだけど質問ある?

Twitterを使いこなし、広報部長の名を(一部で)ほしいままにするハミルトン投手。 質問あったら答えるよ、という彼のつぶやきに、多くのリプライが寄せられました。
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トップウーパールーパーブリーダー @bay_to_taki

@HamiltonClayton Well, does somebody in the team said that you look like Mr. Naito, the infielder of Baystars?

2011-06-20 21:43:23

@bay_to_taki I've never heard anyone say that, and I would say that I'm pretty sure we don't look alike

2011-06-20 21:43:58

I'll answer questions for another 15 minutes!

2011-06-20 21:44:10

@HamiltonClayton How about Japanese rainy season? Do you have the season when health management is difficult?

2011-06-20 21:44:50

@naminami1026 It definitely rains alot, but I have been able to manage my health in spite of the rain

2011-06-20 21:46:27
yuya @yuya51

@HamiltonClayton how did you feel the differences between Central league and Pacific league?

2011-06-20 21:45:29

@yuya51 The Pacific league has some very good players, and it seems the DH in their league changes the way they play the game a little bit

2011-06-20 21:48:18
ましゅうや @mashuuya

@HamiltonClayton Good evening. Who is your most favorite baseball player?

2011-06-20 21:48:29

@mashuuya Favorite player in all of baseball is Roy Halladay

2011-06-20 21:51:14

@mashuuya Favorite pitcher Halladay, favorite hitter Josh Hamilton

2011-06-20 21:51:42
KT @windonturf

@hamiltonclayton Hello!I live in YOKOHAMA!Where is your Favorite place in YOKOHAMA?

2011-06-20 21:49:03

@windonturf Favorite place in Yokohama is the Bay Quarter shops/restaurants

2011-06-20 21:53:07

@oha_d I relax by watching television and movies with my wife!

2011-06-20 21:53:35

@jigokukoushien Favorite japanese foods are yakuniku bbq and Udon noodles

2011-06-20 21:54:15

@izumin55 My hobbies are fishing, working on fixing houses, and I also golf occasionally

2011-06-20 21:57:49
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