第9回 低コスト惑星探査ミッション会議

9th IAA Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference http://lcpm9.jhuapl.edu/ 2011年6月21~23日(日本との時差は-13時間) 公式アカウント@lcpm9 に加え、主催者のJohns Hopkins大学応用物理学研究所@JHUAPL と、女性惑星科学者の会@WomenPlanetSci のSusan Nieburさんがレポートしています。ハッシュタグ#lcpm9 日本のミッションに関連する部分には和訳を添えました。
Johns Hopkins APL @JHUAPL

The 9th IAA Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference starts tomorrow at APL: Follow @lcpm9 for live updates http://t.co/hV1ggNq #LCPM9

2011-06-20 22:01:31
LCPM9 Meeting @lcpm9

After welcome, first paper tomorrow: Flight Result of IKAROS Deep Space Solar Sail Demonstrator @JAXA_en, @JAXA_jp

2011-06-21 09:31:08



Opening and welcome

Susan Niebur @WomenPlanetSci

Low cost mission successes include NEAR, Pathfinder (although he showed the MER video), Stardust, Hayabusa, MESSENGER... #LCPM9

2011-06-21 21:52:39

低コストミッションの成功例には、小惑星探査機NEAR-Shoemaker、Mars Pathfinder(彼は火星ローバーのビデオも見せています),彗星探査機Stardust,はやぶさ、水星探査機MESSENGERなどがあります。

Susan Niebur @WomenPlanetSci

The welcome talk from the IAA is concluding - very comprehensive introductions of many famous men in science, IAA leadership #nowomen #LCPM9

2011-06-21 22:08:05
Johns Hopkins APL @JHUAPL

The 9th IAA Low-Cost Planetary Missions Conference is underway! Follow @lcpm9; meeting schedule http://t.co/pnIQLUk #LCPM9

2011-06-21 22:09:36

Yuichi Tsuda (JAXA), Flight Result of IKAROS Deep Space Solar Sail Demonstrator


LCPM9 Meeting @lcpm9

Ikaros talk up now... #LCPM9. Interplanetary solar sail demonstration from JAXA. Full mission success > 6month life time... accomplished

2011-06-21 22:25:34


LCPM9 Meeting @lcpm9

Ikaros: co manifested with Akatsuki. SC axis is not fixed... unique attitude dynamics. #LCPM9

2011-06-21 22:33:15


LCPM9 Meeting @lcpm9

Next missions based on Ikaros heritage will be Jupiter and Trojan asteroids. #LCPM9

2011-06-21 22:37:05


LCPM9 Meeting @lcpm9

@ikaroskun Just got done hearing about you from Dr. Saiki. #LCPM9

2011-06-21 22:38:48


Dave Carrell (JHUAPL), Autonomous Aerobraking For Low-Cost Interplanetary Missions

LCPM9 Meeting @lcpm9

Next up: slowing down by aerobraking with Dave Carrelli. #lcpm9

2011-06-21 22:42:12
Susan Niebur @WomenPlanetSci

Aerobraking: repeated entry into a central body's atmosphere gradually reduces spacecraft's *velocity, gradually reducing its orbit. #LCPM9

2011-06-21 22:44:48
Susan Niebur @WomenPlanetSci

Autonomous aerobraking is now in work by LaRC, KinetiX, APL. Team claims $10.9M savings ... #LCPM9

2011-06-21 22:47:58
LCPM9 Meeting @lcpm9

Autonomous aerobraking sims came partly from @MESSENGER2011 data. #LCPM9

2011-06-21 22:52:31
LCPM9 Meeting @lcpm9

Q: what happens if you safe during autonomous aerobraking? A: limits kick in and programmed maneuvers may execute to protect SC #LCPM9

2011-06-21 22:59:12

Curt Neibur (NASA HQ), Opening up the Box: ASRG Missions in the Discovery Program

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