
2011.9からの分です。 記入漏れなどありましたらご自由に編集してください。 2013.1~
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laki0814 @laki0814

You should store your valuables in a secure place. We need to make our network more secure against attacks by hackers.

2011-09-14 18:28:24
laki0814 @laki0814

I'm feeling secure about my place in the company. They didn't begin to celebrate until they knew their victory was secure.

2011-09-14 18:28:33
laki0814 @laki0814

The children were safe and secure in their beds. How secure is your front door? You are now entering a secure area.

2011-09-14 18:28:44
laki0814 @laki0814

secure:1)firm, not liable to fail or yield. 2)free from danger or risk of loss; safe. 3)trustworthy, dependable. 4)without anxiety.

2011-09-14 18:29:30
laki0814 @laki0814

5)affording safety, as a place. 6)firmly established, as a relationship or reputation. 7)in safe custody or keeping.

2011-09-14 18:29:46
laki0814 @laki0814


2011-09-14 18:30:04
laki0814 @laki0814

プライマリー、セカンダリーまでは広く知られているがその下位まで知っている人は少ない。と言うことで→primary> secondary> tertiary> quaternary 「ターシャリー」、「クウォータナリー」です。

2011-09-14 19:28:46
laki0814 @laki0814

地質学(geology)の分野で第三紀をTertiary period、第四紀をQuaternary periodと言う。

2011-09-14 19:29:01
laki0814 @laki0814

why did I say such a stupid thing like that?のほうが自然。口語ならthingよりstuffが多用されるし、why I said...にするかな

2011-09-20 23:45:09
laki0814 @laki0814

The child sat by himself, looking pensive. Rainy days often put her in a pensive mood.

2011-09-24 11:36:50
laki0814 @laki0814

pensive:物思いに沈んだ、哀愁を漂わせる、悲しげな (musingly or dreamily thoughtful. suggestive of sad thoughtfulness)

2011-09-24 11:37:13
laki0814 @laki0814

1)reprove or rebuke severely, especially in a formal way, by a person in authority, by a superior, or official body.

2011-09-24 11:42:49
laki0814 @laki0814

reprimand:~を叱責する、懲戒する、叱責、非難、懲戒、処分 cf. upbraid, censure, reprehend

2011-09-24 11:43:05
laki0814 @laki0814

while reviewing the troops,the officer delivered a curt reprimand to a soldier. reprimanded by the judge and warned of contempt of court.

2011-09-24 11:44:34
laki0814 @laki0814

超難 gobo, doohickey, callithumpian, interrobang, zodonk, slumgullion, ort, quincunx, ninnyhammer, lollapalooza, flibbertigibbet, bezoar

2011-09-24 14:36:15
laki0814 @laki0814

foe:敵、反対者、対戦者、障害 1)one who has personal enmity, hatred or malice toward another. 2)an enemy in war; military enemy, hostile army.

2011-09-24 15:57:01
laki0814 @laki0814

3)adversary; opponent in a contest or a game. 4)one who opposes in principle or feeling. 5)something prejudicial or injurious.

2011-09-24 15:57:22
laki0814 @laki0814

EX)Many considered him a foe of democracy. Her ability was acknowledged by friend and foe alike.

2011-09-24 15:57:35
laki0814 @laki0814

EX)Sloth is the foe of health. A foe to progress in civil rights.

2011-09-24 15:57:41
laki0814 @laki0814

fragile:(物が)壊れやすい、(主張が)根拠の無い、儚い、脆弱な、(人が)虚弱な 1)easily broken, shattered or damaged; delicate, frail.

2011-09-24 18:39:47
laki0814 @laki0814

2)in a weakened physical state. 3)vulnerably delicate, as in appearance. 4)lacking in substance or force.

2011-09-24 18:39:57
laki0814 @laki0814

ex) Her health has always been very fragile. He is in an emotionally fragile state. The two countries have formed a fragile coalition.

2011-09-24 18:40:26
laki0814 @laki0814

コロケーションはalliance, beauty, excuse, link, touch等

2011-09-24 18:40:38
laki0814 @laki0814

4words 十分かな。pensive, reprimand, fragile, foe とオマケ。fragileは日常語だけど他はいわゆる難語(STEP1相当)なので知らなくても困らない。試験用ってとこ

2011-09-24 18:43:45
laki0814 @laki0814

くも膜って「蜘蛛膜」なんだけど、その入り組んだ構造が「蜘蛛の巣」みたいだからってことで名づけられた。英語でもarachnoid materとarachnoid(ラテン語で蜘蛛)が用いられる。アラクネーという女性がギリシャ神話にも登場していますね。

2011-09-25 10:52:17
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