【英総選挙】Lib-Lab coalitionをめぐるtweets(同時進行:ブラウン首相辞任 etc)

5月6日に投票が行なわれた英国の総選挙(国会の下院の議員選挙)はどの党も過半数を取れず、明確な勝者なしというhung parliamentの結果になりました。 そこで、現政権与党である労働党(Labour)の議席数をしのいで議席数1位となった保守党(Conservatives, Tories)と、3位のLibDems(自由民主党、Liberal Democrats)が連立して議会の過半数を獲得するという方向で事態が進むと思われていたのですが、これが一筋縄ではいかない。 まず、有権者からノーを突きつけられた現政権=労働党が「負け」を認めることはなく、「今の党首(=首相)がダメだというんなら今の党首は辞任しますよ」というカードを切ったうえで、11日の午前中に、正式にLibDemsと会って「労働党とLibDemsの連立」を協議。 続きを読む
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills


2010-05-12 01:22:41
Jack Arnott @jackja

Fact of the day: The Mail's splash on the possible Lib-Lab coalition yesterday used the word 'squalid' seven times (via tomorrow's G2)

2010-05-12 02:44:49
Prufrocking @Prufrocking

Be realistic, this is the only real choice!Of course Lib/Lab is preferable but Labour needed unity for that to happen #istillagreewithnick

2010-05-12 02:43:58

A #Lib-Lab coalition = unfair democracy, in fact NO democracy whatsoever! #Con-Lib coalition = justice and an ELECTED Prime Minister!

2010-05-12 02:44:22
Andy Buckley (@agbuckley@mastodon.social) @agbuckley

Pity the "progressive coalition" idea went nowhere. If a Lib/Lab/SNP/Green coalition had been on the ballot paper, I'd have voted for it!

2010-05-12 02:45:47
melnik0v @melnik0v

Not sure my head was ever convinced by the argument (eg by @leninology) that a lib-lab govt would be slightly lesser of two evils.

2010-05-12 02:48:30
Miranda Ward @Miranda_Ward

#Lib-Lab might have risked #LibDems losing own ID & being gobbled up by Labour #ukelection #Lib-Con far more balanced compromise

2010-05-12 02:50:41
James Bonser @JBonser

A Lib-Con isn't ideal... but it's better than a Lib-Lab. Next question is 'How long will it last?' : JB

2010-05-12 02:50:50

Went out for early drinks and dinner and came back to a lib lab con pact. Is that right???

2010-05-12 02:54:13
Rachel @RachelvsPublic

@Desideratist Yeah. As many have pointed out, if there was a lib/lab then both parties would basically be up in front of the firing squad.

2010-05-12 02:56:08
James Hargrave @onlygeek

@placefarm so no Lib/Lab coalition, thank goodness!! Hope Labour can sort out its probs in opposition

2010-05-12 02:56:48
Caroline Gooch @caronano

23% of the electorate voted Tory, 19% voted Labour & 15% voted LibDem. Strong government couldn't be made with Lib-Lab. So we have Con-Lib

2010-05-12 03:01:08

General election 2010: The fragile Lib-Lab love affair: Hopes of a progressive Lib-Lab alliance were a bit like as... http://bit.ly/9nIBlu

2010-05-12 03:01:44
Hollie @hollomaphone

Although I would prefer a Lib-lab pact, it just wouldn't work right now. Just hope Libs effective balance to Tory extremes...

2010-05-12 03:03:21
Shaz C @Zimzz

So it's back to Con/Lib pact, not that Lab/Lib (or Lib/Lab for those who go back that far!) would really have been viable.

2010-05-12 03:05:36
Shaun Turner @sturnerstuff

A progressive Lib/Lab coalition was a bit of a pipe dream in any case. Would have finished both parties. Need to regroup in opposition.

2010-05-12 03:05:57
Holly Cook @koocylloh

Markets recover as chances of lib/lab pact fade: If yesterday's surge in equity prices led some to conclude that p... http://bit.ly/9ezPbA

2010-05-12 03:06:46
Ruth @TheRehn

@JSlayerUK well I agree with you, #ConDemNation is best of bad options! Lib/Lab would have been a giant pile of bricks waiting to collapse!

2010-05-12 03:07:31
Daniel Sommer @Danielf90

@RossTube But a progressive coalition won't do lib/lab any good. V conflicted but at least Con/Dem will someway neutralise shotty Tories?

2010-05-12 03:08:19
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

ダウニング・ストリート10番地の前に、スタッフが出てきて、演台の準備をしています。ライヴ中継→ http://news.bbc.co.uk/2/shared/election2010/liveevent/

2010-05-12 03:08:33
Curtis Richards @CurtLeeR

Lib-Lab would be a very bad option, neither have recieved as high amount of votes as Con so wouldn't be very democratic! #ukelection

2010-05-12 03:09:09
LisaMuggeridgeBlog @LisaMuggeridge1

@quarkmonkey absolutely agreed. Lib Lab pact would have been terrible idea- and Tories got most votes. Like I say. Mardy.

2010-05-12 03:10:05
Becky @StarShaped_Girl

Tories won on votes, they should be given their chance. Lib-Lab and a minority government would be unstable and isn't in the nations best

2010-05-12 03:10:15
Krishnan Guru-Murthy @krishgm

A lecturn placed outside the door of Number 10. Is GB preparing to announce the unsuccessful end of Lib/Lab talks? He can't resign yet

2010-05-12 03:10:19
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