


つかもとゆうた @tsukamonta

なんか京大の卒業式にゼレンスキーおったけど pic.twitter.com/gIupGkyec4

2023-03-24 09:08:49
あみき @LohoG29i

やっぱりうるさいメモ帳 気まぐれで浮上 内容は一個人の書き留めで所属組織とは一切関係ないよ!

あみき @LohoG29i

学位記(総合人間学士)、正式に受け取りましたので記念撮影! 今日をもって京都大学総合人間学部卒業です!! ありがとう、さようなら! pic.twitter.com/gF7mSSEs2a

2023-03-24 12:23:36
(しま) @shimaP_0504

あかん、京大4浪ゼレンスキー 動画の方がおもろいやん。 pic.twitter.com/ohVs5aUAyZ

2023-03-27 11:29:03
あみき @LohoG29i

ヒョエ~ 京大卒業式の“ゼレンスキー大統領コスプレ”が大反響 ウクライナ内相顧問も感謝「未来の旅路に幸あれ」(ENCOUNT) #Yahooニュース news.yahoo.co.jp/articles/5bbd7…

2023-03-27 19:04:23
リンク Yahoo News Japanese student came to graduation dressed as Zelenskyy in solidarity with Ukrainians A Kyoto University student dressed up as President Zelenskyy for graduation. In this way, the man expressed his solidarity with the Ukrainian people. Source: The student on Twitter. Quote: "We remember you.
ktgohan @ktgohan


2023-03-27 11:16:39


Jeffrey J. Hall 🇯🇵🇺🇸 @mrjeffu

PhD. Lecturer at Kanda University of International Studies. Japan's Politics/Nationalist Activism/History Disputes/Pop Culture. RT/Likes ≠ endorsements


Jeffrey J. Hall 🇯🇵🇺🇸 @mrjeffu

At this year's Kyoto University graduation ceremony one graduating student dressed up as Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky. It took him three months to grow the beard, but he pulled it off very well: youtube.com/watch?v=QcH2zZ… pic.twitter.com/QV9oTcbD3k

2023-03-25 17:41:17
Jeffrey J. Hall 🇯🇵🇺🇸 @mrjeffu

He says wanted to dress up as Zelensky because of the president's reputation as the manliest of men. His friends humorously interrupt to reveal that he struggled for 4 years before finally passing Kyoto University's notoriously difficult entry exam. pic.twitter.com/rmMUB5olEk

2023-03-25 17:54:31
Jeffrey J. Hall 🇯🇵🇺🇸 @mrjeffu

Kyoto University is well-known for allowing students to dress however they want at its graduation ceremony, giving rise to a tradition of elaborate and silly costume-wearing. Here is a compilation of some of this year's best costumes: togetter.com/li/2108574

2023-03-25 17:59:22
Jeffrey J. Hall 🇯🇵🇺🇸 @mrjeffu

Some additional information: This was not simply a comedic cosplay. The graduate dressed as Zelensky was holding a sign expressing support for the Ukrainian cause. It included this quote from the president's speech to the US Congress. pic.twitter.com/ymU2kqr77o

2023-03-25 19:54:31
Misirlou🇺🇦(ダボス商工会議所青年部) @MisirlouIbaraki

京大4浪ゼレンスキー、やはりただ者では無かった…。 追加情報: これは単なるコミカルなコスプレではありません.ゼレンスキーに扮した卒業生は、ウクライナの大義への支持を表明する看板を持っていた.それには、米国議会での大統領の演説からのこの引用が含まれていました。 twitter.com/mrjeffu/status…

2023-03-25 21:04:49
あみき @LohoG29i

This simple, striking passage dehypnotized all slavelings trapped by mess of pottage or intimidation, namely rotten cheap energy resources or NUKEs, and it reminded us of what we truly must protect -- national pride, democracy, human rights, mankinds sanity and human dignity. twitter.com/mrjeffu/status…

2023-03-26 08:45:30


Anton Gerashchenko @Gerashchenko_en

Ukrainian patriot. Advisor to Internal Affairs Minister (2021-2023). Institute of the Future founder. Support volunteer translators https://t.co/nWSASMUo29


Anton Gerashchenko @Gerashchenko_en

One of the graduates from Kyoto University dressed as Ukrainian president for the graduation ceremony - in a khaki sweatshirt with Ukrainian symbol. Is there anyone of my Japanese followers who might know his name? 📹: YTV news pic.twitter.com/yfyqWZ8D0I

2023-03-26 16:19:58
Anton Gerashchenko @Gerashchenko_en

This is @LohoG29i Sir, thank you for supporting Ukraine! We are honored to have Japan and Japanese citizens standing with us. Best of luck to you in all your future endeavors!

2023-03-26 18:02:50
あみき @LohoG29i

My pleasure. We stand for Ukraine! Justice will prevail in the end, I hope so. Glory to Ukraine! twitter.com/Gerashchenko_e…

2023-03-26 18:07:52
あみき @LohoG29i

あの、とうとうウクライナ内務大臣顧問のアントン・ヘラシチェンコさん本人が動いちゃった ワシ、どうなっちゃうの~~~⁉️⁉️ twitter.com/Gerashchenko_e…

2023-03-26 16:33:03
プードクちゃん丸の内ゆるふわDr🐩🗼☀🌈 @poodocc

ここ笑ったw ウクライナ内務大臣顧問「京大卒業式でゼレンスキー大統領の格好をしてた卒業生の名前、誰か知らない?」 ??「ヨンローって呼ばれてるよ」 pic.twitter.com/fJ9VKNvmmc

2023-03-26 18:07:22