
フランスのマンガ家、メビウスことジャン・ジロー氏(Jean Giraud)がお亡くなりになりました。

This is the Introduction I wrote just this year to the Incal collection for humanoid. good bye Moebius, Listen to... http://t.co/B9lZznMI

2012-03-10 21:46:31
Champion! Magazine @TheChampionFeed

R.I.P. Moebius. We lost one of the greats last night. A revolutionary artist and master of the storytelling craft. http://t.co/e35JJiT9

2012-03-10 21:57:33
Bleeding Cool @bleedingcool

Our tribute to Moebius features some of his unused designs for Willow and they're really something http://t.co/SRxM6wXE

2012-03-10 22:03:25
Larry Marder @larrymarder

Moebius RIP. He died during the solar storms so it's as if even the universe wept.

2012-03-10 21:30:17
Neil Gaiman @neilhimself

An expanded meditation/remembrance of Moebius at my blog http://t.co/1DKjFyeJ

2012-03-11 00:42:24
Robot6 @Robot6

The comics industry remembers Moebius, ‘a true master of everything comics’ http://t.co/hKkTv7C1

2012-03-11 01:26:10
Ron Marz @ronmarz

I'm going to create something new today. Because Moebius would have.

2012-03-11 02:07:37
Ed Brubaker @brubaker

Without Moebius, no Alien, no Bladerunner, no Heavy Metal, the magazine and movie.

2012-03-11 02:15:25
Kurt Busiek @KurtBusiek

Moebius isn't gone. He's just looped back to the beginning to start over. He is, and will be, forever.

2012-03-11 02:29:29
Ryan Penagos @AgentM

Galactus and the Silver Surfer by Moebius: http://t.co/0P7yEEPO RIP

2012-03-11 03:00:07
Hiroshi Odagiri @smallboxman


2012-03-11 07:29:46
Kiichiro Yanashita @kiichiro


2012-03-11 11:01:35
Takahiro Omori ♋ @t0mori

また一つ、偉大な魂が天に召された。 / “メビウスさん亡くなる:夏目房之介の「で?」:ITmedia オルタナティブ・ブログ” http://t.co/zGDifHME

2012-03-11 17:53:22

あなたの引いた一本の地平線の遠いこと……もし自分がそこ迄行く事が出来たなら、そこで待っていてくれるのでしょうか? もっとお話をしたかったです。REST IN PEACE MOEBIUS(大友)

2012-03-11 01:04:10