38年目の真実~Bloody Sunday事件真相究明委員会報告書 1) 事前リーク&公表直前まで

参照用資料。ニュースリンク集。 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bloody_Sunday_%281972%29
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http://twitpic.com/1wtgti - The start of preparations in Guildhall Square #derry for tomorrow's release of the #saville report. #setthetruth

2010-06-15 04:49:31
Ali Abunimah is now on bluesky @AliAbunimah

@amities I proposed him for the Bloody Sunday inquiry as well!

2010-06-15 04:54:02
BrianClarkeNUJ @BrianClarkeNUJ

insult to rules of engagement BLOODY SUNDAY THAILAND IRELAND OZ CONNECTION http://lnk.ms/8bF3l

2010-06-15 04:56:02
Marica @MaricaMullan

Was at a picket supporting the families of the bloody Sunday victims. Bloody Sunday - Set The Truth Free!

2010-06-15 04:59:41
hot trends @lavalleybeat

Hot trend: Bloody Sunday victims must be declared innocent, says McGuinness http://bit.ly/arPJ1Y

2010-06-15 05:02:01
Eamonn Mallie @EamonnMallie

I feel I am back doing my finals at the mercy of invigilators as I await the delivery of the Saville Report in a sterile zone.

2010-06-15 05:10:10
J Geetas @Geetas75

#Israel 2 investigate itself again. Like #UK's Bloody Sunday reports. 38yrs to get close to truth. Soldiers likely to now be prosecuted #IDF

2010-06-15 05:13:38
💋Katie💋 @Star71Katie

@peterdoran01 well the thing is on 4 now. Watch it. And the saville report is into the killings in Derry in 1972. Sunday Bloody Sunday.

2010-06-15 05:18:38
MrLawyer @SnFranciscoLawy

Herald, The; Glasgow (UK) - Bloody Sunday probe #39;a disaster #39; http://tinyurl.com/2a4sfkl

2010-06-15 05:22:33
Henry McDonald @henry_mcdonald

Bertie Ahern says security chiefs pressed Tony Blair not to call inquiry http://bit.ly/bxa7uk

2010-06-15 05:25:26
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