
Atomic Age II: Fukushima/アトミックエイジII:福島@シカゴ大学のレポート等

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Freya Foust @FreyaFoust

Monitoring posts began showing up around Fukushima #nuclear http://t.co/BYlqZMKb

2012-05-06 03:24:10
emi koyama @emikoyama

construction companies profit hugely from decontamination efforts.

2012-05-06 03:24:47
emi koyama @emikoyama

actual people who do the work risking their lives are those who lost jobs and houses to the earthquake.

2012-05-06 03:24:50
emi koyama @emikoyama

children exposed to radiation in outdoor school activities such as p.e. schoolchildren receuited as cleanup "volunteers"

2012-05-06 03:26:14
emi koyama @emikoyama

single mothers of disabled children have hardest time relocating, deal with guilt of not being able to protect child.

2012-05-06 03:27:49
emi koyama @emikoyama

official boundaries for eligibility for assistance and compensation divide neighborhoods.

2012-05-06 03:28:46
emi koyama @emikoyama

people worried about collapse of fukushima no. 4

2012-05-06 03:32:42
emi koyama @emikoyama

"insufficient electricity" leading govt to push for restarting nuclear. japanese companies still exporting nuclear nrg technology.

2012-05-06 03:33:09
emi koyama @emikoyama

nuclear technology always cause exposure from mining to power plant workers to area residents to people who face depleted uranium weapon.

2012-05-06 03:36:30
emi koyama @emikoyama

muto: tried education, negotiation, petition, etc. came to realize that nonviolent direct action was most suited and effective.

2012-05-06 03:37:21
emi koyama @emikoyama

women from all over japan have used direct action to challenge nuclear power operation, and still are.

2012-05-06 03:44:24
emi koyama @emikoyama

muto: not intending to exclude men, but thinks women have unique ways to challenge national energy policy.

2012-05-06 03:47:57
emi koyama @emikoyama

now organizing 1000s of people to demand that govt bring ceiminal charges against executives of tokyo electric. (donate to hairo action!)

2012-05-06 03:49:07
emi koyama @emikoyama

women using traditional dance from fukushima to protest in front of ministry of industry etc this weekend.

2012-05-06 03:50:16
emi koyama @emikoyama

muto now showing slide of beautiful mountain of fukushima pre-earthquake where she lives. this feels so important.

2012-05-06 03:55:47
emi koyama @emikoyama

muto used to serve food made from acorns she picked from nearby. her cafe was closed due to disaster.

2012-05-06 03:57:43
emi koyama @emikoyama

acorns were eaten by jomon-era people who are believed to have had tools for hunting but not or wars. she cooks acorn in homage.

2012-05-06 03:59:17
emi koyama @emikoyama

showing photo of wood she used to make fire. now contaminated and unable to use them.

2012-05-06 04:01:21
emi koyama @emikoyama

showing various insects, mammals, lizards, birds, butterflies.

2012-05-06 04:01:58
emi koyama @emikoyama

muto: must think about our consumption, the meaning of prosperity and abundance.

2012-05-06 04:15:46
emi koyama @emikoyama

muto: no longer growing vegetables or picking acorns and berries. it changed my life.

2012-05-06 04:19:11
emi koyama @emikoyama

q&a period. some white dude asking condescending question as if he knows more about the issue than does muto. s.t.f.u. seriously.

2012-05-06 04:23:20
emi koyama @emikoyama

muto: first to speak out were mothers with young children who challenged ministry of education's lax standard of acceptable radiation level.

2012-05-06 04:24:34
emi koyama @emikoyama

muto: people with disabilities have difficult time evacuating. personal attendants overworked without sufficient pay.

2012-05-06 04:27:51
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