
Philippe Jaroussky on twitter

The Australian Brandenburg Orchestra @AustBrandenburg

Philippe is on ABC Classic with Christopher Lawrence around 9.30am b4 hitting the twitter sphere at11am #baROCKstar http://t.co/gGdCoNEgS5

2013-03-07 07:20:50
The Australian Brandenburg Orchestra @AustBrandenburg

hi everyone I am Philippe Jaroussky and I am on twitter now ready to speak with you #baROCKstar #brandies

2013-03-07 08:48:44
Aishlinn McCarthy @AishlinnMac

Hi Philippe, do you do anything special to protect your voice when you are on tour? #baROCKstar #brandies

2013-03-07 08:57:39
Captain Narcolepsy @KissyPirates

@AustBrandenburg Oh god, I ... er, hmpf, well, hey there! Just hope you're well, and relaxed, and all - Friederike/Lankin here ;)#barockstar

2013-03-07 08:58:20
Captain Narcolepsy @KissyPirates

@AustBrandenburg I'm actually sick as hell, so I'm glad that continents separate us - Not to say that I don't miss you here ;) #baROCKstar

2013-03-07 09:10:37
Captain Narcolepsy @KissyPirates

@AustBrandenburg I vowed to send all the best wishes too from Júlia, and Biri, your devout fans from Hungary and Ibeza ;) #baROCKstar

2013-03-07 09:12:23
Jill Twigger @JillTwigger

@AustBrandenburg Hi Philippe! We all know how incredibly high your voice can go, but how low can you go? #baRockstar #brandies

2013-03-07 08:59:26
The Australian Brandenburg Orchestra @AustBrandenburg

@JillTwigger hi Jill with my chest voice I can go of course quite low ( barytone until low G-F and you?

2013-03-07 09:11:02
Valentine @valentinee12

#baROCKstar #brandies #AustBrandenburg Please reassure us! you will continue your career as a singer ?

2013-03-07 09:01:24
The Australian Brandenburg Orchestra @AustBrandenburg

@valentinee12 hi Valentine, yes of course this is just a small break, to rest and to refresh my technique too

2013-03-07 09:12:32
Valentine @valentinee12

@AustBrandenburg great, I will be so happy to see you in Paris for your next concert.. you will sing the same program ?

2013-03-07 09:18:53
Melb Recital Centre @MelbRecital

@AustBrandenburg We're excited to have you perform @MelbRecital Philippe. What's your favourite concert venue & why? #baROCKstar #brandies

2013-03-07 09:01:40
The Australian Brandenburg Orchestra @AustBrandenburg

@MelbRecital I am very excited too to come back to your beautiful concert hall1 my best hall is the kammersaal form Berlin philarmonie

2013-03-07 09:14:06
Melb Recital Centre @MelbRecital

RT @austbrandenburg: hi everyone I am Philippe Jaroussky and I am on twitter now ready to speak with you #baROCKstar #brandies

2013-03-07 09:05:20
Melb Recital Centre @MelbRecital

@AustBrandenburg As the King of Counter-tenors, was there a particular piece of music that made you choose singing? #baROCKstar #brandies

2013-03-07 09:05:29
The Australian Brandenburg Orchestra @AustBrandenburg

@MelbRecital meaby the first piece I heard by a countertenor stabat mater by vivaldi

2013-03-07 09:15:29
Marguerite Foxon @Ngaitahutahu

#BAROCKstar Will you sign CDs after the Sydney concerts? Please say OUI!!

2013-03-07 09:08:00
The Australian Brandenburg Orchestra @AustBrandenburg

@Ngaitahutahu yes of course but not for all of them I will the 15th, 18th, 20th and 24th because the schedule is very busy!

2013-03-07 09:17:20
Marie @amariiielli

@AustBrandenburg Good to hear! Please tell us a little about your last trips. Which city, landscape, building did you like most? #baROCKstar

2013-03-07 09:08:47
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