
The Murderhawk Monster Lance Archer @LanceHoyt

@fergaldevitt needs to go to Temper school. Him being a Bad guy is just a BAD choice! JMO! Should go back to teasing teenyboppers

2013-03-14 16:23:03
The Murderhawk Monster Lance Archer @LanceHoyt

Follow @fergaldevitt. He's a lil leaping leprechaun. Follow and tell him to Hush his ugly Mug!!

2013-03-14 19:26:36
鈴木みのる @suzuki_D_minoru

@fergaldevitt …なんだオマエ、遊んで欲しいのか? 

2013-03-14 22:17:20
Finn Bálor @FinnBalor

Devitt vs @suzuki_D_minoru Tonight at 7pm. Shibuya crossing. Street fight rules. I am REEEEEEEAL!

2013-03-15 11:48:20
鈴木みのる @suzuki_D_minoru

O.K !“@fergaldevitt: Devitt vs @suzuki_D_minoru Tonight at 7pm. Shibuya crossing. Street fight rules. I am REEEEEEEAL!”

2013-03-15 12:10:58
Finn Bálor @FinnBalor

I waited all night long in Shibuya for my street fight with @suzuki_D_minoru but he didnt turn up.... REEEEAL!

2013-03-15 21:40:20
Finn Bálor @FinnBalor

@YTR_CHAOS im going to come to your bar, drink all the beer and then smash all the tables like the dudley boys! 3D!

2013-03-14 20:25:28


2013-03-15 20:44:36


2013-03-15 20:50:08
Finn Bálor @FinnBalor

@REAL_JADO dont be jealous of me Jado, ill chop you, put you in a cross-face and make you tap! DEVITT WINS!

2013-03-15 12:10:35
邪道(jado) @REAL_JADO

10年はえーよ! RT @fergaldevitt: @REAL_JADO dont be jealous of me Jado, ill chop you, put you in a cross-face and make you tap! DEVITT WINS!

2013-03-15 14:47:16
Finn Bálor @FinnBalor

@ShinsukeN Shut up Nakamura! Ill beat CHAOS one by one...or all at the same time... i dont care! YOUR CHOICE! Im like @BasRuttenMMA SHOOTER

2013-03-15 13:47:18
Shinsuke Nakamura @ShinsukeN

@fergaldevitt ,me and @BasRuttenMMA are same birthday Feb 24...Check it out!! Lol

2013-03-15 17:32:04
Finn Bálor @FinnBalor

@ShinsukeN oh.... ok, for your next birthday ill bake you a cake... then ill smash it on your head!

2013-03-15 17:41:07

本隊の面々他へ 及びヨシ・タツへ勧誘とか

Finn Bálor @FinnBalor

@njpw1972 stop tweeting in Japanese! No one understands!!

2013-03-14 15:49:08
新日本プロレスリング株式会社 @njpw1972

!?? ( ̄◇ ̄;) RT @fergaldevitt: @njpw1972 stop tweeting in Japanese! No one understands!!

2013-03-14 15:53:07
Finn Bálor @FinnBalor

Next time i see @herocaptainnjpw im going to pull that stupid mask off him @njpw1972

2013-03-12 22:39:43
Finn Bálor @FinnBalor

Captain new Japan ...@herocaptainnjpw diet today??? Nope... I didn't think so!

2013-03-13 17:35:47