
Jess Capulet @Jess_nurse

oh yessssssss. Letting off steam in the city - far far away from #Capulet crisis management ... even further now I find the off butto

2010-04-17 03:14:24
Laurence Friar @LaurenceFriar

thanks all for great @dvice - baking ginger biscuits,listening to Joanna Newsom & gazing at a thin slither of moon & brilliant blue sky

2010-04-17 04:43:57
Romeo @romeo_mo

O god! what sould I do. I've just realised that my best mate is a walking sex crime. Get the police on the phone....

2010-04-17 06:14:38
Juliet @julietcap16

Thinking of possible outfit options for my party! Dress? Jeans? Anyone? Pics to follow xx

2010-04-17 06:20:06
Romeo @romeo_mo

has just spotted some fancy dress boobs in the booth next to us, time for a sneaky close up before @mercuteio gets it!

2010-04-17 06:28:45
Laurence Friar @LaurenceFriar

what do u think bout antipathy between Tybalt & Romeo.Whose side are u on?What should we as community do bout violent young men in our midst

2010-04-17 06:31:26
Romeo @romeo_mo

@holly_86 with a photo like that @mercuteio will have a good time beating hard something..........too much?

2010-04-17 06:45:33
Romeo @romeo_mo

bar closes in 5mins. I recon a (drunken) stroll homw alone and an early night after the day i've had #teammontague till I die!

2010-04-17 06:59:54
Juliet @julietcap16

Gna go to bed but... Iv been thinking about like... Turning 16 and like... Getting a bf and... You know... "Doing it".. Advice anyone? X

2010-04-17 07:34:16
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