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Mercutio @mercuteio

@romeo_mo so proud of you bud - always here for you. Enough of soppy shit - I definitely won round 1

2010-04-17 07:51:42
Romeo @romeo_mo

If I was 19 a decade ago when all this started then we wouldn't be talking about Capulet,his name wud be forgotten.Tybalt wud know his place

2010-04-17 07:55:29
Romeo @romeo_mo

If Lady Cap hadn't died in the crash then the affair wouldn't have come out,Capulet would still be friend.bt all dad did was fall in love!!!

2010-04-17 08:03:14
Mercutio @mercuteio

@romeo_mo ive already told you budd you'll get your revenge and all will know it

2010-04-17 08:07:52
Romeo @romeo_mo

No1 should ever be punished 4 finding true love.Those who destroy it out of jealousy and bitterness however....long day.night all.merc rocks

2010-04-17 08:13:45
Tybalt Capulet @Tybalt_Cap

Romeo won't stand a chance. If he takes after his father it'll be over in seconds. Maybe I should tie my hands together, give him a chance?

2010-04-17 08:14:03
Romeo @romeo_mo

@ecu9697 say what you want about my mum. she was big enough to forgive and forget and i respect that.shes 2 times the person of any Capulet

2010-04-17 08:19:34
Mercutio @mercuteio

Time to hit the sack - who wants to join me?

2010-04-17 08:23:14
Mercutio @mercuteio

@DanyVorphal I used your chat-up & the girl said "no, your friend's better" damn @romeo_mo for being so damn hot

2010-04-17 08:36:05
Mercutio @mercuteio

@AGirlnameBobbie hey babe thanx for the tweet of encouragement to @romeo_mo earlier x

2010-04-17 08:41:38
Jess Capulet @Jess_nurse

So much 4a lie in. Woken up by Jules panicing bout party gatecrashers...wtf? Ugh. BANGing head. Rememb going 2karaoke bar... Nope.That's it.

2010-04-17 17:56:58
Jess Capulet @Jess_nurse

@julietcap16 Sorry 4not sounding awake. I wasn't! Gimme 2secs 2get my brain working & then I'll drive to you. We'll sort it love. Cu soon. x

2010-04-17 17:58:23
Laurence Friar @LaurenceFriar

new day,new chapter of life!grateful nothing too bad happened yesterday between those boys.what to do with Tybalt to help with anger issues?

2010-04-17 18:35:53
Laurence Friar @LaurenceFriar

What to do with Romeo to provide him with direction?so many questions,healthy to keep questioning,just need solutions.Thanks for @dvice all

2010-04-17 18:40:11
Tybalt Capulet @Tybalt_Cap

Get in! Drinking beer, having a smoke and then kicking off! A right Saturday! COME ON YOU BLUES!

2010-04-17 18:45:47
Tybalt Capulet @Tybalt_Cap

@Jess_nurse Karaoke? You? Don't make me laugh. You've gone down hill Jess. And now you've got to clean up Jules mess. Pushover

2010-04-17 18:51:43
Romeo @romeo_mo

I’ve just woken up and my first thought was twitter!‘Trainspotting’was about Heroin addiction, maybe we cud do a Tweetspotting?choose Type!

2010-04-17 18:53:50
Romeo @romeo_mo

Checking out places to visit when I go travelling.Why can't mum take a leaf outa dads book,He recons I should go now but 'i've gota save up'

2010-04-17 19:05:07
Romeo @romeo_mo

I'm going to travel every inch of the world one day. ooo #top5placestovistb4idie-India/vietnam/australia/cuba/iceland (without all the ash)

2010-04-17 19:08:47
Romeo @romeo_mo

india - its so vast+varied, vietnam - beauty, australlia - ultimate road trip,cuba - music and culture, iceland - scenery. awsome!

2010-04-17 19:10:51
Romeo @romeo_mo

@alikichapple hehe it was all merc, he just got stuck in! thats what i have to live with day in day out! a little sympathy would be nice!=)

2010-04-17 19:12:55
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