
日本時間12/07-08分。 12/8現在?死者数約2120名、患者数約10万人。 遂に感染元がUNネパール部隊と報道。 そして選挙結果中間発表、現職の後継者Celestinと、元ファーストレディManigatが決選投票に挑むべきことが発表された。Sweet Mickyは落選決定、以降沈黙? 続きを読む
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Carel Pedre @carelpedre

Of course they will blame Martelly for his silence & public damages. Did you forget the CEP Members? We all know this was going to happen

2010-12-08 21:32:27
JPP @JovanaPascal

What a night here in #Haiti! Slept and woke up with the sounds of gunshot!

2010-12-08 21:35:19

Tires burning @ Route Frere by the cemetery http://plixi.com/p/61695736 #Haiti

2010-12-08 21:44:44
九曜@navagraha_@mastodon.juggler.jp @navagraha_


2010-12-08 21:45:57
九曜@navagraha_@mastodon.juggler.jp @navagraha_

現職の後継者Celestinと、元ファーストレディManigatが決選投票に挑むべきことが発表された。Sweet Mickyは落選決定。事前から不正が言われ当日の不備も多かったこの選挙結果に怒った民衆が、大統領邸を囲んで暴動。しかし、大統領は首脳会談のため現在隣国ドミニカにいる。

2010-12-08 21:52:44
切り取り線lite @k0_0t

✄---------- 22:00 ----------✄

2010-12-08 22:00:00
Emily Troutman @emilytroutman

Good morning. Petionville busy with people, no cars, crowd running through streets singing. #Haiti

2010-12-08 22:00:10
Karl Jean-Jeune 🇭🇹 @KarlJeanJeune

From what I am seeing the Police is siding with the people. They are avoiding the crowds. #Haiti #Elections

2010-12-08 22:08:05
九曜@navagraha_@mastodon.juggler.jp @navagraha_


2010-12-08 22:09:19
Solidar'IT in Haïti @SolidarIT_en

American Airlines and Insel Air flights to Haiti cancelled. Our team member, Vincent, stuck in Fort Lauderdale #haiti #elections

2010-12-08 22:20:57
On the Ground News @onthegroundjm

Nepalese army condemns study linking them as the source of the Cholera epidemic now affecting #Haiti (BBC) http://fb.me/C1XyI277

2010-12-08 22:23:25
Jean-Marc Tribié @jmtribie

Airports are closed till further notice. No flights to or from the island. #Haiti #elections

2010-12-08 22:26:32
九曜@navagraha_@mastodon.juggler.jp @navagraha_


2010-12-08 22:28:26
John Emile @EmileMilyon

Reports of rock and bottle throwing in Cap-Haitien, streets tense in Les Cayes, many streets in Petionville impassable.#Tweetlections #Haiti

2010-12-08 22:37:57
Emily Troutman @emilytroutman

Lots of gunfire in Petionville #Haiti. Hey @karljeanjeune be careful.

2010-12-08 22:38:36
九曜@navagraha_@mastodon.juggler.jp @navagraha_

カトマンズ陸軍当局が、UNネパール部隊がハイチのコレラ感染源であるとするフランス機関の調査結果を無根拠と非難。さてはて。 RT @BBCWorld: Nepal rejects Haiti cholera link http://bbc.in/fMcKAN

2010-12-08 22:49:16
Carel Pedre @carelpedre

Economic Forum of Haitian Entrepreneurs just said that CEP results are false. For them Michel and Mirlande must be in the 2nd round

2010-12-08 22:52:46
切り取り線lite @k0_0t

✄---------- 23:00 ----------✄

2010-12-08 23:00:00
basketwithball2.0 @Renewal44

Riots about to reach #CAMEJO hospital. Pictures coming soon. #Haiti #elections

2010-12-08 23:12:37
Breaking News @BreakingNews

Fiery protests break out in Haitian capital over presidential vote results, halting flights in and out of airport http://on.msnbc.com/hXioc6

2010-12-08 23:17:04
basketwithball2.0 @Renewal44

MINUSTAH (@UN) is firing on people. Several Haitians dead. #Haiti #elections

2010-12-08 23:20:03
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