
日本時間12/09-10。なるべく写真ポスト拾うようにしてます。 選挙の中間発表後即暴動(死者今のところ4人確認)、大統領がラジオでスピーチするも火に油。更に選管組織の中の人が「大統領サイドから開票結果操作の圧力がありました」と言いだしたらしくもう大変。人がいないのと暴動危険なので空の便全面欠航続く。 その後、開票集計のやり直しがアナウンスされるも暴動の雰囲気は消えず。カナダ大使館など閉鎖。 また、コレラがバングラデシュの株と一致するという新たな報告がNEJM誌に。 続きを読む
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九曜@navagraha_@mastodon.juggler.jp @navagraha_

で、プレヴァル大統領がつい先ほど、ラジオでスピーチを。帰国してるの?ドミニカから中継かしら。とりあえず、暴力に訴えるのをやめて、コレラ危機の中にいることを思い出せと言ってる……のか?このあとSweet Mickyもスピーチを出す、のかな。

2010-12-09 03:10:01
九曜@navagraha_@mastodon.juggler.jp @navagraha_


2010-12-09 03:11:33
Context News @ContextNewsroom

Protests continue in #Haiti where demonstrators set up burning barricades of timber, boulders and flaming tires http://ow.ly/3m1Wy #election

2010-12-09 03:21:34
Rübben @DrRub

Preval said: U wont find the real result by giving trouble. Hm! That means that result was false, he's conscious #haiti elections

2010-12-09 03:23:43
Emily Troutman @emilytroutman

Friend at the beach says 3 big fires visible in PaP, "but those are sort of normal." Also, great day to go sailing. #Haiti #thatwouldbenice

2010-12-09 03:33:30
Carel Pedre @carelpedre

RT @USEmbassyHaiti urge all Haitians to remain calm and work through electoral process in #Haiti to address concerns. http://bit.ly/fRCglp

2010-12-09 03:37:01
Daniel Roy 🇨🇦 @jledrc196

Anderson Cooper 360: Protest fires erupt in #Haiti « - CNN.com Blogs - http://bit.ly/dE50vz

2010-12-09 03:38:21
切り取り線lite @k0_0t

✄---------- 04:00 ----------✄

2010-12-09 04:00:00
Carel Pedre @carelpedre

Passion Hits Streets After Haitian Election Results Announced by my friend @emilytroutman http://aol.it/fEihsA

2010-12-09 04:18:04
🇺🇸🇭🇹 Only4RM 🇭🇹🇺🇸 @Only4RM

@carelpedre Almost a year after EQ, those in power still can't recognize fellow Haitians' God-given right to have a say in their own future.

2010-12-09 04:24:52
Carel Pedre @carelpedre

Mirlande Manigat disagrees with the results. According to her, they don't match the reality.

2010-12-09 04:31:49
Emily Troutman @emilytroutman

Crowd circling again Petionville, #Haiti, this time with the MINUSTAH cholera song.

2010-12-09 04:37:30
Pong Lizardo @PongLizardo

Tear gas rounds raining down place St. Pierre. Entrance to route Kenscoff blocked by burning barricade. #haiti #elections

2010-12-09 04:45:32
Emily Troutman @emilytroutman

Sounds like Manigat will also wage legal battle to determine actual results. #Haiti #election

2010-12-09 04:55:11
Etienne Côté-Paluck @etiennecp

Young 17 year old boy laying down the floor at the corner of J and Zero in Cap Haitien. Some gangster started shooting on protesters. #Haiti

2010-12-09 04:59:59
切り取り線lite @k0_0t

✄---------- 05:00 ----------✄

2010-12-09 05:00:01
Carel Pedre @carelpedre

. @ShaunKing it's ok brother. I think we need a fair second round with Mirlande & Michel if it's true that Michel made it with enough votes

2010-12-09 05:01:27
Pong Lizardo @PongLizardo

Just heard gunfires and people screaming again. Kept on happening sporadically since yesterday. #haiti #election

2010-12-09 05:10:06
Pharel @IAmPharel

17 Days till the Christmas ...Oh LORD We need Your Prayers #Haiti

2010-12-09 05:14:18
Rübben @DrRub

#cholera is still killing, only in Jacmel, 11 ppl died today! Becarefull! #haiti

2010-12-09 05:21:47
Emily Troutman @emilytroutman

Gunshots were police, firing to disperse crowd that set fire to Petionville Inite office. Still smoking. #Haiti

2010-12-09 05:30:36
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