【ノーベル平和賞授賞式】 #emptychair のハッシュタグのまとめ 空椅子

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ノーベル平和賞の受賞式。デンゼル・ワシントンやアン・ハサウェイ、スピーチを代読したリヴ・ウルマンの姿はあるのに主役と家族がいない・・・皮肉にも劉暁波の不在が隣国の指導部の姿をくっきりと映し出す・・・http://bit.ly/eysfrU #emptychair

2010-12-13 00:18:15

►►►►MUST SEE! #Nobel Chairman Jagland looks at #liuxiaobo #emptychair with prize/diploma http://bit.ly/hoWQ2q #nobelpeaceprize

2010-12-13 02:25:52

"#Humanrights situation in #China should be concern to int'l community” http://bit.ly/ijKadU G&Mail #nobelpeaceprize #emptychair #liuxiaobo

2010-12-13 02:44:13
crazysoft @crazyhmx


2010-12-13 10:59:28
邓昊 @denghao_

tengbiao: 这是一个暗示:今天的北京,到处都是空椅子。 #emptychair RT @NobelPeace2010: 北京警察命令酒吧和饭馆拒绝任何6人以上的聚会订座,以禁止庆祝。 http://ff.im/v9p2h

2010-12-13 18:52:48
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

The Beijinger - Tiananmen Square flooded with Santas this weekend, police order them to disperse: http://bit.ly/hairnY

2010-12-13 17:24:08
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

BBC webpage unblocked in China after being censored for Nobel Peace Prize coverage: http://tinyurl.com/29rcv37

2010-12-13 17:36:12
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Missing Nobel laureates aside, China is neither Nazi Germany nor the Soviet Union. Felt like I had to say that.

2010-12-13 17:37:47
Mark MacKinnon @markmackinnon

Empty chairs on the front page. Was China's edgy Southern Metropolis Daily showing support for Liu Xiaobo?: http://tinyurl.com/2bxxhm7

2010-12-13 18:57:04
nofrills/文法を大切にして翻訳した共訳書『アメリカ侵略全史』作品社など @nofrills

中国、『南方都市報』紙の一面に「空椅子 #emptychair 」。RT @markmackinnon: Empty chairs on... China's edgy Southern Metropolis Daily... http://tinyurl.com/2bxxhm7

2010-12-13 19:38:21
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