
日本時間2011/1/1-12.14:00。年明け前に死者3300人超え、現在更に増えていると推測される。 1/11現在、死者数3838名、患者数10万5827名。 こちらの続き。↓↓↓ 1: http://togetter.com/li/68180 (10/20-11/15:発生から死者千人に迫るまで) 続きを読む
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九曜@navagraha_@mastodon.juggler.jp @navagraha_


2011-01-06 20:42:11
Asteris Masouras 正义 @asteris

Imagine not being able to use a toilet at night, for fear of being attacked and raped #Haiti

2011-01-06 21:12:51
On the Ground News @onthegroundjm

Amnesty International calls for more protection for women faced with the threat of rape in #Haiti refugee camps (BBC) http://fb.me/S7nHhll9

2011-01-06 21:43:55
Haitifeed.com @Haitifeed

Report: Rapists Prowl Haiti’s Earthquake Camps – AOL News http://bit.ly/fwbxDw #haiti

2011-01-06 22:42:49
TrustLaw @trust_law

Spread the word about AlertNet's upcoming multimedia project for the 1 year anniversary of the Haitian earthquake! http://ow.ly/3ziSD #Haiti

2011-01-06 23:07:42
Crawford Kilian @Crof

Dominican Republic: Increased control over the entry of Haitians http://bit.ly/fXGfVf #Dominican #haiti #cholera

2011-01-06 23:31:43
切り取り線 @kiri_tori

✄------------ 1/7(金) ------------✄

2011-01-07 00:00:03
World Food Programme @WFP

76% of Haitians live on less than US $2.00 per day. 56% live on less than US $1.00 per day. http://exm.nr/eGl1G8 @WilliamLambers #Haiti

2011-01-07 00:05:41
C. Peter Kessler @CPeterkessler

#Haiti - women & girls targets of #rape in vast PaP camps, #Amnesty reports. IDP camps require urgent policing. http://bit.ly/fBFvWo

2011-01-07 01:25:30
Bilal X @bilalwaldorf

sadly, since the earthquake, the birth rate in #haiti has tripled, as a result ofmore widowed and displaced women being raped in tent cities

2011-01-07 01:44:27
John Mone (Blue Cheque) 🆓©️ @JohnMone

#Haiti Pres. Palace still in ruin. AP is here to cover Haiti on the quake anniversary. http://yfrog.com/h7o0odj

2011-01-07 02:15:06
Dreadlock Diplomacy @DreadlockDipset

#Sudan, Cote d'Ivoire (#CIV), and #Haiti all at critical moments in democracy right now. Which country are you following?

2011-01-07 02:38:35
Imani A.(Heavenlove) @iminy13

Have we forgotten about #Haiti in the midst of a still devastated landscape their birth rate is climbing due 2 rape

2011-01-07 02:43:52
basketwithball2.0 @Renewal44

"Typically, foreigners believe that Haitian culture is itself the cause of the country's underdevelopment or that #Haiti has no culture"

2011-01-07 02:47:36
loulou brice #Haiti @Louloubrice

Protests against the electoral committee and President Rene Preval are scheduled for tomorrow friday january 7 2011. #haiti

2011-01-07 03:06:01
切り取り線 @kiri_tori

✄------------ AM 6:00 ------------✄

2011-01-07 06:00:01
United Nations @UN

Haiti: Experts from India, Mexico, Peru & USA appointed to UN independent panel on the cholera outbreak http://bit.ly/ghlipV

2011-01-07 07:45:23
Derek Hall @white_canvas

Telegraph: Financial cost of natural disasters doubled in 2010 http://bit.ly/gXcVHp #Haiti #Pakistan #fb

2011-01-07 09:34:32
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